Cuvinte cautate: Software company | pagina 8


Netcomp World Wide Page - Adresa web
NetComp Romanian distribution company: computers, computer devices, communicaton devices, network, ISP

NetVisionSoft - Adresa web
NetVisionSoft - romanian software company

NoBug Consulting, home - Adresa web
NoBug is an expert digital design verification company that masters a full range of technologies (functional, formal, and assertion-based) with a variety of tools (Specman, RuleBase, Vera, SystemVerilog, Verilog-PLI/C). NoBug's activity covers 3 directions: Digital Design Verification, Digital Design and Software development for EDA tools.

Nordlogic Software development professional Romania Cluj, Outsource software development Romania Cluj ... - Adresa web
Offshore websites development company services from Romania and offshore outsourcing it services from Romania.
● Nordlogic Software development professional Romania Cluj, Offshore software development company, Outsource software development Romania Cluj, Software development project

Null Team Company - Adresa web
Null Team is a company that provides telephony, VoIP, IP Telephony solutions based on Yate ( ) and Sangoma.

...::: Welcome to ONLINE-BUSINESS :::... - Adresa web
ONLINE-BUSINESS outsourcing and software development.

Oracle 11g, Siebel, PeopleSoft, Oracle, The World's Largest Enterprise Software Company - Adresa web
The world's largest enterprise software company, Oracle is the only vendor to offer solutions for every tier of your business -- database, middleware, business intelligence, business applications, and collaboration. With Oracle, you get information that helps you measure results, improve business processes, and communicate a single truth to your constituents.

SBS, Standard Business Solutions - Adresa web
Standard Business Solutions for your IT company.

R O M S O F T, The hardware company :: calculatoare, subansamble, periferice, accesorii, etc - Adresa web
Romsoft - romanian IT&Communication distribution company: computers, computer devices, internet, communicaton devices, network, ISP

SBS, Standard Business Solutions - Adresa web
Standard Business Solutions for your IT company.

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