ANIS, Asociatie, Nationala, Industrie, Software, Servicii, oportunitate, seminar, industrie, conferinta, evenimente, statistici, membri, avantaje, IT, povesti, succes, strategie, cadru, legal, ...
ARIES este asociatia firmelor de electronica si software din Romānia si are drept scop promovarea si protejarea mediului de afaceri romānesc al industriei precum si promovarea intereselor profesionale si comerciale ale membrilor sai. ARIES este cel mai important factor de influenta īn Romānia pentru industria electronica si software. |
aries, asociatie, nationala, romania, software, electronica, servicii, oportunitati, conferinta, evenimente, legislatie, statistici, targuri, IT&C, comunicatii, succes, strategie, project, binary, ideosoft, ...
Armonic Media :: Web software, Web design, Corporate ID, Outsourceing |
Logo, Icon, Site, Web, Soft, Software, Net, Advertising, Corporate ID, Print, Design, Web design,
Web software, Gratis, Free, Pictograme, Marci, Sigle, Marketing, Creation, ...
Armonic Media :: Web software, Web design, Corporate ID, Outsourceing |
Logo, Icon, Site, Web, Soft, Software, Net, Advertising, Corporate ID, Print, Design, Web design,
Web software, Gratis, Free, Pictograme, Marci, Sigle, Marketing, Creation, ...
ArtSoft Consult - Romanian based software outsourcing company, located in Cluj-Napoca. Outsourcing / offshore services in software development. |
Java, oracle, outsourcing, offshore, software, Romania, development, database, custom, IT Outsourcing, Eastern Europe, Rollout, Testing, mobile, Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Business, Investitii, Investition, Kapital, ...
Avansoft | Solutii Web Avansate - Software, Webhosting, Webdesign & Multimedia |
avansoftsrlramnicuvalcea, avansoft, srl, romania, ramnicu, valcea, webdesign, webdevelopment, webhosting, websolutions, web, design, hosting, gazduire, dezvoltare, internet, baze de date, aplicatii, development, it, ...
Avansoft | Solutii Web Avansate - Software, Webhosting, Webdesign & Multimedia |
avansoftsrlramnicuvalcea, avansoft, srl, romania, ramnicu, valcea, webdesign, webdevelopment, webhosting, websolutions, web, design, hosting, gazduire, dezvoltare, internet, baze de date, aplicatii, development, it, ...
A&Z Technologies ofera consultanta si solutii personalizate in domeniul IT&C. |
EDI XML Solutions, hosting, software, outsourcing, services, customised solutions, B2B, audit, eBusiness, Intelligence, eCommerce
BetterSoft Community provides offshore software outsourcing solutions, and full-featured web design & programming services. Professional, reliable solutions, fast time to market, and competitive rates. |
professional web design, web development, software outsourcing solutions, offshore development, web programming, offshore solutions, affordable outsourcing solutions, internet technologies, domain name registration, web site promotion, online promotion, web marketing, search engine optimization, bettersoft, bettersoft community, better soft, ...
