SMARTSOFT is a Software Development company, offering: Outsourcing, Web Marketing, E-learning, E-Business and Web Design services |
software, development, outsourcing, web design, web services, web, project, E-commerce, ecommerce, ebusiness, eprocurement, internet, website, web marketing, webmarketing, programming, IT, database, modelling, UML, ...
Offshore software development services, high quality programming, web development and design |
Smart Tech 2000, computer, technology, IT solutions, programming, software development, offshore programming, web design, outsourcing, outsource, high quality software solutions, offshore development, Romania, programmers, computer programming, computer software, ...
SoftHouse is a new generation software company founded to provide professional services over the worldwide and help our customers to develop powerful and competitive business. |
Softhouse, mobile multimedia, multimedia, telecom, telekom, consulting, mobile entertainment, software development, value-driven, process improvement, software process
SoftInvent Romania - Companie producatoare de software specializata in web design |
SoftInvent, romania, web design, Craiova, Oltenia, soft, software, web, design, multimedia, logo, slogan, print, identitate, vizual, solutii, html, php, mysql, flash, ...
Softwise Development Romania ofera servicii de web design, prezentari multimedia si dezvoltare software. |
startpOint, IT software develoment, full network services, http, games server maintenance and installing |
startpoint, starpoint, start, point, web, design, web design, network, maintenance, maintain, install, network install, full network, networking, full networking, network solution, server, web server, webserver, web server install, ...
IT profesionals - outsourcing Romania. |
software development, IT consultancy, software design, Romania, outsourcing Romania, Aries, outsourcing Aries, programming, software Romania, IT services, software testing, ISO, CMMi, Microsoft Gold Partner, IT R&D, IT Community Trasylvania, IT Cluster, contact center, call center, support center, ...
Technical Vision Software is a software development team based in Romania that was formed to bring you professional and reliable programming services and custom applications for a price you can afford. |
NPP, Nuclear Power Plants, Finite Element, Software, Mechanical Structural Analysis, Seismic Risk, Hazard, Fragility, Civil Engineering, Structural-Mechanical Engineering, Engineering, Engineering Consulting, Stevenson, Stevenson Europe, Romania, Stevenson and Associates, Finite Element Analysis, FEA, Seismic, Dynamic, ...
TEHNE - Center for Innovation and Development in Education is an organization aiming to support educational initiatives through projects and programs covering areas of elearning, curriculum development, education for democratic citizenship, lifelong learning, and in-service teacher training. |
romania, ngo, ong, organizatie, organisation, education, educational, online, elearning, e-learning, online learning, educatie la distanta, invatamant deschis la distanta, IDD, software educational, educatie, educatia, educativi, educative, educational, ...
