Detectoare radar, solutii GPS, alarme si sisteme auto audio-video, accesorii auto - Import si distributie. |
BITWARE IT established in Romania provides IT consulting and software development services |
Solutii si servicii IT complete pentru afacerea ta. BitConsulting pune la dispozitie toata gama de solutii IT&C : bugete de tehnologizare IT&C, service calculatoare, infrastructura de retea, achizitii hardware, instalare de echipamnete, asistenta tehnica, helpdesk, identitate vizuala, web design, SEO, web hosting, aplicatii software, cursuri de specializare, furnizare de servicii de voce si internet. |
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Bizzcard offers you professional web design & multimedia services. We provide complete, cost-effective solutions suited to your needs. We specialize in delivering high-impact presentaions for online or offline marketing. |
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Bizzcard offers you professional web design & multimedia services. We provide complete, cost-effective solutions suited to your needs. We specialize in delivering high-impact presentaions for online or offline marketing. |
webdesign, banners, web design, cd multimedia, design web, cd card, presentations, newsletter, marketing, interactive, business cards, cd cards, bizzcards, corporate presentations, multimedia cd, catalogs, logo, corporate identity, catalogues, training, ...
O gama foarte larga de accesorii si inventar hotelier: de la lenjerie, pilote, perne, draperii si perdele, alaturi de cosmetice hoteliere ajungand pana la surse de iluminat economice Philips. |
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blacksolutions, it consulting, solutii web, platforme, Web development, Web Design, MSSQL, ASP.NET, ASP, CGI, Perl, Python (programming language), WebObjects, J2EE, Java (programming language), MySQL, C, C++, Cpp, C ANSI, ...
Professional Web Company offering best solutions for Website Design & Redesign, Ecommerce & Ebusiness Applications, Online Marketing, Flash Multimedia, Corporate Identity and Print Graphics. |
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Professional Web Company offering best solutions for Website Design & Redesign, Ecommerce & Ebusiness Applications, Online Marketing, Flash Multimedia, Corporate Identity and Print Graphics. |
webdesign, web, design, redesign, development, logo, brand, game, multimedia, graphic, print, identity, software, mobile, hosting, marketing, flash, ecommerce, ebusiness, internet, ...
In anul 1992 un grup de specialisti din domeniul IT au infiintat Eco Copy&Print, o firma a produselor si serviciilor de inalta tehnologie.Incepind din anul 200 a luat fiinta departamentul de dezvoltare Software Blue Lion IT. Prin asociere cu firme din Germania, Canada, S.U.A si Africa de Sud a luat nastere Blue Lion IT Group care opereaza pe piata IT din Europa, Canada, Statele Unite si Africa de Sud. Blue Lion IT Group este in pozitie de parteneriat sau aliante cu firme recunoscute pe plan mond ... |
it; IT; outsourcing; out; sourcing; products; tools; development; web; software; e-commerce; b2b; b2c; business; ustomer; software; demand; hardware; telecomm; integrated; solutions; services; com; dot; MCSP; RAD; RDBMS; visual; c; c++; c#; java; basic; delphi; sql; server; microsoft;php; mysql;HTML
