Hardware and Software Inventory, Network Audit, Remote Admin, HelpDesk and CRM Solutions |
enterprise, solutions, hardware, software, inventory, network, audit, remote, admin, helpdesk, crm, hardware, inventory, software, inventory, it, infrastructure, assets, tracking, asstes, ...
MicroNet - Complete Networking Solution, Despre noi |
service, depanare, reparatii, retea, retele, network, instalare, reparare, contract service, instalare, devirusare, devirusari, calculatoare, ERP, retea, retelistica, Microsoft, Symantec, Mcaffe, Autocad, ...
Lider in securizarea sistemelor informatice, smart card, important producator si furnizor de software pentru industrie si administratia publica |
prosoft++, prosoft, romania, bucuresti, bucharest, IT, software, hardware, ISO 9001, instruire, training, consultanta, asistenta tehnica, service, servicii informatice, ERP, suport informatic, aprovizionare, desfacere, stocuri, ...
Solutii ERP si de gestiune pentru firme mici si mijlocii. Aplicatii WEB based. / ERP solutions and management for small and medium companies. Web Applications |
qube, qube net, qmanager, qmanager ERP, ERP, solutii ERP, solutii gestiune, aplicatii software web, aplicatie software erp, aplicatie software gestiune, gestiune, aplicatii software gestiune, baze de date, web applications, php, javascript, ajax, html, jsp, software erp, ...
Revo ABS - Solutii, Servicii pentru Vanzari, Marketing, Relatii si Suport Clienti, Resurse Umane si Management activitati si Proiecte |
business, afaceri, online, on-line, e-commerce, ecommerce, catalog, magazin, marketing, rapoarte, crm, erp, vanzari, suport, relatii, clienti, crm, sfa, marketing automation, website, ...
Infiintata in 1994, Sistec-SBsol este recunoscuta de clientii si partenerii sai pentru profesionalism, expertiza in afaceri si capacitatea de a transforma solutii IT si tehnologii in solutii cu valoare adaugata |
Sistec-Sbsol, sistec, sbsol, softbiz, standard business, solvision, winsol, our business is to improve other people's business, specialisti, business, aplicatii IT, servicii IT, solutii consacrate, solutii customizate, calificari, certificari, consultanta de business, analiza de business, process re-engineering, management de proiecte, ...
software development, e-business, e-commerce, large software projects, IT integrator, most important Romanian ERP (SIVECO Applications) |
software development, software development romania, software, software design, design and development, e-business, e-commerce, off-shoreoutsourcing, custom software, ERP, SIVECO Applications, Oracle Applications, Oracle, enterprise resource planning, ebusiness, ecommerce, three tier, web, Internet, leader, ...
Skepsis Consult is a well-established and successful business in the field of Web Development. Our knowledge, abilities, and personalised customer support together with commitment and loyalty helped us achieve the best way to fulfil the necessities and requirements of our clients. |
Skepsis Consult, develop on demand, web development, Outsourcing, Programming, develop, optimize, custom, customized, search engine optimization, Installation, Configuration, relational database, interfaces, conversion, Internet and Intranet solution, CRM, Customer Relationship Management, ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, ...
Solutii software economice, dezvoltate in tehnologii de ultima ora, dedicate companiilor mici si mijlocii |
Softmarket - custom tailored software, ERP solutions, JOOMLA development |
