Asconet este cel mai important furnizor de servicii integrate de Internet şi telefonie fixă pentru Sibiu şi alte zone din Transilvania, România. |
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| de sisteme audio-video, parte a concernului Asesoft, firma Asesoft Smart va ofera solutii audio-video de ultima ora pentru sali de consiliu, birouri, videoconferinte, videoproiectoare Optoma si Mitsubishi pentru orice ocazie, precum si inchiriere de echipamente audio video. |
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videoconferinta, televizor cu plasma, display, plasma display, videowall, ...
ASIPTO - OPENSER solutions, consultancy, support, training and development |
Asistent PC - Solutia de care ai nevoie |
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ASSA ABLOY, the global leader in door opening solutions |
Assist Suceava Romania - Calculatoare, Internet, Hardware, Software. |
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Kubicle Hosting | O solutie oferita de Baritchi Group |
Professional web content management solutions for small and medium businesses. |
S.C. AttoSOFT S.R.L. Galati realizeaza si implementeaza programe de contabilitate, gestiune, salarii, financiare, ERP, CRM, management, financiar-contabile, productie, mijloace fixe, leasing, automatizarea fortei de vanzari, piese si service auto, OLAP, Business Intelligence, rapoarte manageriale, hotel, restaurant. |
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Online sales and auction management. Vendio provides Smart Services to Smart Sellers (TM). Vendio enables businesses of all size to leverage the distribution potential of the Internet. Through its suite of sales management services and full-service asset remarketing solutions, Vendio helps businesses efficiently promote, sell, and distribute their products online by automating and managing every element of the online sales process. Services offered include inventory management, online store cre ... |
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