Prodavis SRL. Firma ofera solutii WEB si Solutii de Business Inteligence |
Prodavis, Brasov, WEB design, XML, Solutii de business inteligence, Crystal Report, Business Objects, Seagate Software, Crystal Decision, Crystal Analysis, Crystal Enterprise, Report
Creatie si design publicitar, solutii Web, obiecte promotionale personalizate, tampografie, serigrafie, transfer termic, tipar, distributie materiale tiparite |
materiale tiparite, fluturasi, flyere, cataloage, pliante, afise, carti de vizita, brosuri comerciale, produse promotionale personalizabile, pixuri, brichete, seturi protocol, scule, accesorii camping, personalizate, site, pagina web, design, functionalitate, pagini web, ...
PolyWeb is a leader in software and Web site design. Our services include web site development, design, broadcast. We are PolyWeb. |
Macromedia Flash, best flash design, web design, design studio, html design, java development, java server pages, jsp, virtual reality, broadcast quality, graphics, print, xml, web development, flash developer, quicktime, QTVR, top studio, best design, web site design, ...
Power Computers - solutii informatice, componente, consumabile, servicii retele, contracte service, web design |
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Pro Infinity Webdesign - ofera solutii complete in domeniul web design, website, websit, design site web, creaza solutii custom design grafic, logouri, campanii de promovare, gazduire, site, sit, sait, pagina web, creare site, creare, ecommerce solutions, platforme si aplicatii web, siteuri prezentare si complexe, servicii de brand, ofera servicii de intretinere / service calculatoare, imprimante, copiatoare, solutii de marketing |
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Grupul de firme Proteus Grup Brasov: dictionare electronice multilingve (17 limbi), translatoare automate de text, programare baze mari de date, consultanta in domeniu, solutii la cheie (soft si hard), proiectare si implementare, solutii pentru platforma internet si webdesign; programe europene pt tineri talentati in domeniul IT; activitati de topografie si cadastru, evaluare si expertizare, studii de fezabilitate. |
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Quadrant Interactive - Digital IQ. Our business. Full service interactive agency, providing profitable solutions to our clients: from strategic consulting and effective websites to online advertising campaigns and customized software applications |
interactive, agency, interactive agency, web, internet, online, campaign, brand, branding, advertising, marketing, webvertising, creative, communication, first, 1st, online communication, web design, consulting, e-business, ...
Quality Web Design offers the following services: web design, web hosting, domain registration, web site publicity and on-line advertising at the lowest prices. |
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RDA Enterprises, Inc., New York, USA - Complete Networking Solutions Provider |
Cabling, Fiber, win2k, win2000, 2000, cisco, design, mas200, groupwise, exchange, bordermanager, zenworks, server, servers, router, routers, routing, email, computers, laptops, ...
ebot, ebot technosoft ltd., Indore, India, MP, madhya pradesh, microsoft certified partner, MCP Certified, software companies, Technosoft Companies, Information Technology Companies, IT Services, Outsourcing, Multimedia, software, Development, Application Development, Web Design, Web Development, Flash Presentation, ...
