ASTRA FILM is unique in this part of Europe. It promotes the production of good quality non-fiction film in Romania and in the region, and offers filmgoers the opportunity to meet documentarists from all over the world. The format of the Festival confers worldwide interest in the event while preserving the specific local and regional flavor. |
Ferestre si usi cu geam termopan, tamplarie aluminiu si PVC cu profile Kommerling si Balkan, feronerie germana.Comercializam si montam ferestre de mansarda Velux si aparate de aer conditionat. Producem mobila la comanda din PAL melaminat.In sectiunea produse puteti regasi: ferestre termopan, usi PVC si aluminiu, mobila PAL, ferestre Velux, tamplarie termopan cu prfile PVC si profile aluminiu. |
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Masini & Motociclete. Masini Second Hand Germania & Romania, Camioane & Utilaje Second Hand. Vanzari Masini, Preturi Masini, Accesorii, Camioane, Rabe, Rulote, Remorci, Parcuri Auto, Dealeri Masini, Stiri Auto |
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Cooper innovates, designs and improves software and interactive products. Gain valuable insight into your users goals and build quality products your customers find easy to use! |
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Asociatia “Ute Langenkamp: Iubiti Maidanezii” (AULIM), asociatie cu o componenta mixta, romano-germana, promoveaza protectia animalelor si desfasoara activitati specifice protectiei animalelor. In Adapostul de Caini Smeura sunt gazduiti cca 3000 de caini, devenind astfel cel mai mare adapost din lume. |
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AutoVis importator de masini, motociclete second hand din Germania |
