tubes, steel, stockholder, pipes, mechanical, hydraulic, tube cutting and deburring, precision tube cutting, cold drawn tube, welded tube, hot finished tube, hollow bar, european tubes, hub tubes, wheeler tubes, nuts, hydraulic tube, feed pipe, steel tube, engineering, ...
tubes, steel, stockholder, pipes, mechanical, hydraulic, tube cutting and deburring, precision tube cutting, cold drawn tube, welded tube, hot finished tube, hollow bar, european tubes, hub tubes, wheeler tubes, nuts, hydraulic tube, feed pipe, steel tube, engineering, ...
ISO 9001/2000 certified for: designing, erecting and service of
technological instalations, ventilation and air-conditioning installations, electrical and
mechanical instalations, manufacturing of mechanical equipment and steel structures. |
Electric Grup, ElectricGrup, Timisoara, Romania, electromechanical
installations, Remco dealer, chemical installation, petro-chemical installation, civil installation,
pharmaceutical installation, woodworking installation, construction, electrical installation, mechanical
installations, electromechanical, ...
Eximbuss - distribuitor exclusiv al sistemelor de indosariat termic, laminat si prezentare Unibind, Consultanta comerciala, de afacaeri si bancara |
Eximbuss, Unibind, Binding, aparate de indosariat termic, legat documente, prezentare, mape, dosare, coperti, laminat, Steelbinding, Combbinding, Wirebinding, Laminating, Presentations, Duobinder, Portfolio, Consultanta, Afaceri, Bancara, ...
Mobilier si accesorii din inox - design Frösén |
accesorii, inox, balustrade, alama, design, atractiv, atragator, super, steel, otel, inoxidabil, elemente, muchie, CD, cd, suporti, mobilier, mobila, rafturi, teava, ...
Galfinband este o companie ce se ocupa cu cercetare-proiectare, dezvoltare, executie si punere in functiune instalatii tehnologice, sisteme de automatizari industriale si de comunicatii. |
Galfinband, GFB, steel strip, automation, slitting line, stripping line, profiles, gypsum, dry wall, partition wall, ceiling, benzi legat rezistenta mare, produse grele lungi cold rolling, packing steel strips, metallic coated steel strips, steel cored wire, real-time software, metallurgy, Galati, Romania, ...
imec, aparatura, aparate, laborator, garduri, confectii, constructii, renovari, reparatii, KONTI, STEEL, HELLAS, CASAGRANDE, VASILIEV, PROCTOR, Stanta, DEVAL, SUTARD, MIVAN, KIER, ...
National Institute for Building Research. Largest seismic network of Romania, professional tests & measurements, national building codes, technical agrements & consultancy |
building, research, institute, Romania, earthquake engineering, structural engineering, seismic, seismic hazard, seismic risk, seismic safety, seismic vulnerability, civil engineering, concrete technology, construction materials, building structures, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, steel structures, wood structures, masonry, ...
SC. METAL INOX IMPORT-EXPORT SRL este o companie cu capital privat, infiintata in anul 2000.Obiectul principal de activitate este importul si comercializarea pe piata romaneasca a laminatelor din otel inoxidabil. In anul 2002 societatea noastra este lider de piata in comertul cu oteluri inoxidabile, cu vanzari de peste 150 to/luna si cu un stoc de aproximativ 2.000 to. |
