Revo ABS - Solutii, Servicii pentru Vanzari, Marketing, Relatii si Suport Clienti, Resurse Umane si Management activitati si Proiecte |
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Concentrandu-se atat asupra progresului continuu cat si asupra relatiilor pe termen lung create cu clientii si partenerii sai, R&M international 94 doreste sa demonstram nivelele cele mai inalte de angajament in livrarea de satisfactie clientului, progres continuu al proceselor business-ului si angajamentul personalului. Acest scop este atins datorita dedicarii cu care abordam calitatea. |
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Robcon TM SRL is a business located in Timisoara, Romania. We sell coating, welding, heating technology, but also trucks and other heavy equipment. We can represent your business in Romania. |
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Romania is where Old Europe Lives! Our travel guide for Americans will let you discover the Real Romania and travel UNESCO World Heritage areas with stunning natural beauty. Enjoy the very last vestiges of Old Europe still functioning in small villages with wooden churches. Don't miss the sunny sea coast at Constanta, an old Greek and Roman city on the Black Sea! Travel to the wine country of Moldova, dine on an ice lake in summer, and beware the wolves, bears and lynx in the mountain forest p ... |
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Romania is where Old Europe Lives! Our travel guide for Americans will let you discover the Real Romania and travel UNESCO World Heritage areas with stunning natural beauty. Enjoy the very last vestiges of Old Europe still functioning in small villages with wooden churches. Don't miss the sunny sea coast at Constanta, an old Greek and Roman city on the Black Sea! Travel to the wine country of Moldova, dine on an ice lake in summer, and beware the wolves, bears and lynx in the mountain forest p ... |
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Qwest Communications provides communications services. Residential customers learn about home phone and long distance service, Internet access, cellular phone plans, VoIP, and more. Business customers learn about phone and Internet service, hosted applications, capacity and network management and more. Get area code information. |
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ROMANIA LAND - Professional team with experience in real estate project development and business development. |
Tudor Turism & Tour is a Romanian-Swiss travel agency founded in October 1998.
It has been a member of well-known relevant associations - ANAT, IATA, UFTAA, etc. since 1999. |