Cuvinte cautate: Strategy consultancy | pagina 2


4E Software, IT consultancy, software development, outsourcing in Romania - Adresa web
4E Software - Romanian software consultancy & development company, offshore outsourcing, PM, ERP/CRM, Multi-tier, Smart Client, OLAP, GIS, J2EE, security, LOHN, ORACLE, MS-SQL Server, UML, Game dev.

Romanian crewing agency specialised in providing best qualified crew, AB Crewing - Adresa web
Romanian crewing agency speciallised in providing qualified crew as well as spares and consultancy for Romanian built vessels.

- :: Aced :: - - Adresa web
Created by ITLAND -

Ad-hoc, Fabrica de publicitate -Cluj Napoca- Identitate de firma, Advertising - Adresa web
Ad-Hoc - Fabrica de publicitate - Va oferim publicitate adaptata la nevoile dumneavoastra. Serviciile noastre includ consultanta in domeniul publicitar, design, realizare de materiale publicitare, campanii media, campanii de promovare, identitate de firma. Ad-Hoc - Advertising factory - We offer you advertising services tailored upon our needs. Our services include advertising consultancy, design, prints, promotional obsect, media campaigns, promotional campaigns, company identity.

AD consulting Intra Page - Adresa web
Welcome to AD consulting. We are a marketing research shop with a different approach.

Arthur D. Little - Adresa web is Arthur D. Little's global webpage. Founded in 1886, Arthur D. Little is the world's first and oldest management consulting firm with a strong focus on sustainability, innovation and technology.

Arthur D. Little - Adresa web is Arthur D. Little's global webpage. Founded in 1886, Arthur D. Little is the world's first and oldest management consulting firm with a strong focus on sustainability, innovation and technology.

Adviser Interactive, m a r k   t h e   d i f f e r e n c e - Adresa web
Adviser Interactive - Creative concepts & solutions for all of your on line and off line needs - web design, web development, multimedia, motion graphics, consultancy, on line branding, strategy, advertising. Adviser Interactive - mark the difference

Endava, Home - Adresa web
Endava . Professional IT Services organisation operating across Europe, specialized in the delivery and operation of IT based Business Solutions and Secure Messaging Systems for Financial Services, Telecoms, Media and Technology

AIMS Human Capital Romania - Adresa web
aims Network executive search, personnel search, management search, headhunting, leasing, payroll, training, human resources, consultancy, management consultancy, outplacement, assessment and development center, salary survey, employee opinion survey

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