Interowa, ABS, Additive, Amoco, amorphe Kunststoffe, Antiblock, APA, ASA, Bakelite, Barrierekunststoffe, Chemie, Chi Mei, Du Pont, Eastman, Elastomer, Engineering Polymers, Extrusion, Film, Folie, Fürer-Haimendorf, ...
home - Companie de dezvoltare software specializata in Microsoft NET (ASP Net) si PHP cu centru de management in Rotterdam, Olanda si centru de dezvoltare soft de outsourcing in Bucuresti, Romania |
home, software, outsourcing, offshore, software, development, outsourcing, offshore, software, outsourcing, IT, microsoft, net, software, development, outsourcing, Microsoft, PHP, Mysql, MSSQL, ...
CAD services, CAD conversion, CAD drafting, Romania
GIS, GIS conversion, high volume digitization, paper to CAD,
CAD, CAD/CAM, Scanning, Plotting, Raster-to-Vector Conversion,
Raster, Vector, Architecture, Drawings, Plans, AutoCad,
engineering drawings, engineering, ...
InventCAD is a company, which offers engineering services such as CAD Design, FEM analysis, fracture mechanics analysis, for different fields of engineering. Our field of activity also includes the programs and data base development. |
CAD Design, Design, CAD Drawings, Drawings, Drafting, CAD Services, draftsman, Stereolithography, Stereolitographie, Design CAD, 2D Drawings, 2D, 3D, 3D Drawings, 3D Models, Animation, Fracture mechanics, FEM Analysis, LISP, VBA, ...
IPCM SA Bucuresti - Consulting and Engineering Company, Professional services for industrial and civil design, business plans, market survey, representation services for Schenck AG Germany |
ipcm, i.p.c.m., industrial, design, engineering, project, projects, marketing, consulting, consultancy, consultanta, proiectare, investitii, representation, services, schenck, axis, ecti, germany, italy, ...
Building Design, Research and Software Institute IPCT S.A., Romania. Over 40 years of experience in civil engineering design and research. International projects. Civil engineering software development. Turn-key contracting. Earthquake engineering |
building design, civil engineering research, software, institute, civil engineering, structural engineering, earthquake engineering, consulting, Romania, constructii, proiectare, cercetare, programe de calcul, constructii, institut, consultanta, inginerie, structuri, ...
The Internet Society (ISOC) is a nonprofit organisation founded in 1992 to provide leadership in Internet related standards, education, and policy. With offices in Washington and Geneva, it is dedicated to ensuring the open development, evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of people throughout the world |
Internet Society, conferences, internet, events, internet organisations, internet standards, public policy, education, membership, chapters, Internet issues, Internet events calendar, Internet Governance, NDSS 2008, IETF, IETF meeting, Internet Engineering Task Force, open Internet, accessible internet, ...
Consultanta in afaceri si management: implementare ISO 9001, finantare investitii, plan afaceri, analiza economico - financiara, fonduri structurale, fonduri nerambursabile, credite, |
ISO 9001, certificare, calitate, plan afaceri, finantare investitii, proiecte, fonduri structurale, analiza financiara, fonduri nerambursabile, studii fezabilitate, planificare strategica, cash-flow, rentabilitate, risc, profit, risc valutar, , ...
