Cuvinte cautate: Structural funds | pagina 6


Ramboll Romania - Adresa web
Rambøll is a leading Nordic consulting group with more than 4000 employees worldwide

Reflex Fatade - Adresa web
Montaj fatade ventilate din sticla, fatade structurale

RGIC || Consultanta || Fonduri structurale || Finantare - Adresa web
Consultanta || Fonduri structurale || Finantare

Rhohr Design Consult, The design that you need - Adresa web
Structural and miscelaneous steel detailing, furniture and interior design, multimedia presentations

Welcome, Fichtner Engineering - Adresa web
Fichtner Romelectro Engineering Romania. Transmission lines consulting and engineering services
● fichtner engineering romania transmission distribution lines consulting engineering structural civil cigre lectures company quality iso publications services line routing optical fibre grids tower plotting statical calculation drawings testing programs T/L equipment project management technical specifications tender documents contractor design approval construction site supervision commissioning

Romconstruct AG - Adresa web
ROMCONSTRUCT AG, construction company. ACTIVITIES: 1. Welded structural metal fabrications: - industrial halls; - mobile telephony poles; - awnings; - equipment stands; - ladders, handrails, anti-corrosive protection grates, sand-blasting, dyeing or hot zinc plating services. 2. Static and pressure vessels (carbon steel or stainless steel): - water and fuels storage containers; - pressure vessels; - industrial installations. 3. Air ducts made of zinc plated metal sheet (stainless steel or alumin ...

Welcome to our site - Adresa web
Firma de proiectare navala, consultanta si executie la cele mai inalte standarde internationale, folosind mediul de lucru Tribon

Materiale De Constructii, Lindab, Wienerberger, Tegola, Bramac, Austrotherm, ACO, Velux, Effe 2, Murexin ... - Adresa web
Second Generation - Materiale De Constructii

SAG Fonduri Structurale, Home - Adresa web
SAG INVESTMENT este o companie constituita la initiativa unor profesionisti specializati in MANAGEMENTUL PROIECTELOR si CONSULTANTA pentru accesarea de FONDURI EUROPENE. Echipa SAG INVESTMENT are o bogata experienta profesionala in EUROPA si S.U.A, contribuind la elaborarea unora dintre programele operationale ale Romaniei. SAG INVESTMENT a aparut ca raspuns la cererea tot mai evidenta de profesionalism in abordarea unor domenii aproape necunoscute in Romania, respectiv : managementul proiectelo ...

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