X3 Studios is an new media design and development studio, specialized in high-end flash development and interactive design. We create elearning modules, sales presentations, integrate powerpoint presentations into a flash movie animation, integrate complete ecommerece solutions with your flash website, create custom multimedia cds, and much more. |
interactive media, new media, flash design, flash development, high-end flash presentations, elearning modules, flash based training modules, complete flash sites, serverside integration with custom ecommerce solutions, database driven flash websites, html, graphic design, web design, web and flash design, virtual image consultant, contractor, freelancing, flash developer, Romania, Timisoara, ...
Interdisciplinary design studio - Citrus |
accommodation bucharest, rent apartments, rent studios, cazare bucuresti, cazare, inchirieri, apartamente, garsoniere |
GC Studio Porcelain is Gherghina Costea's online gallery of classy, exquisite and refined gifts for personal or corporate use, one of a kind handmade objects |
art, art objects, ceramics, porcelain, ceramics, gifts, exquisite gifts, classy gifts, corporate gifts, sculptural ceramics, sculptural porcelain, studio porcelain, icons, byzantine icons, jewelry, porcelain jewelry, fashion jewelry, brooches, porcelain vessels, decorative objects, ...
colimoro, materiale publicitare, serigrafie, imprimări textile, imprimari textile, ceramice, tricouri, cani, căni, pixuri, brichete, afişe, afise, postere, pliante, panouri, etichete, adezive, īnfolieri, infolieri, ...
advertising, publicuty, marketing, emarketing, e-marketing, telemarketing, marketing direct, publicitate, flyere, web, webdesign, web design, design, design studio, creatie, inovatie, dinamic, publicitate, buzau, bucuresti, RGB, advertising, Cristian Bucur, Liviu Toader |
advertising, publicuty, marketing, emarketing, e-marketing, telemarketing, marketing direct, publicitate, flyere, web, webdesign, web design, design, design studio, creatie, inovatie, dinamic, publicitate, buzau, bucuresti, ...
Comitetul Central Post Production Studio: video editing, special effects, digital post-production for commercials and film - Bucharest, Romania. |
Comitetul Central, Post-Production Studio, Bucharest Romania, Bucuresti, video editing, special effects, compositing, FX, 3d integration, motion graphics, digital post-production, commercial, film
CONPHYS - Editura, tipografie, Packing |
tipar, tipografie, offset, flexo, multiplicare,
rm. valcea, ramnicu valcea, valcea, romania, etichete, eticheta, carton, hartie,
ambalaj, ambalaje, cutii, cutie, design, prepress, proof, ...
Constantin Brancusi lost works discovered, Successful efforts of romanian academic researchers uncovering numerous works of the great sculptor |
brancusi, constantin, art works, sculpture, art, photo gallery, online, maiastra, the kiss, sarutul, tolstoy, laokoon, eminescu, gemeni, hangita, the comet, exhibition, modern sculpture, hobita, paris, ...
CoreStudios webdesign revine īn curīnd |
