consultanta, mentenanta, monitorizare, networking, it, support, retele, antivirus, antispam, server, servere, web, mail, securitate, hosting, security, audit, vpn, ids, idp, ...
Call Center, Inbound Calls, Outbound Calls, Call Center Romania, Telemarketing |
Supported by GalaxyNet.ro |
camere de supraveghere, supraveghere video, IP camera, camere IP65, DVR (digital video recorder), CCTV, DOME, PTZ (pan - tilt - zoom), sisteme de supraveghere, control trafic, control de trafic, traffic control, camere IP
IT, vanzari, echipamente, calculatoare, service, mentenanta, software, retele |
IT, retele, calculatoare, software, avast, avast!, microsoft, service, mentenanta, software, hardware, programe, asigexpress, asigurari, contabilitate, foto, video, solutii, vanzari, ieftin, ...
CGD Consulting provides solutions and consulting in the IT security field, Anti-Virus and Cryptography Solutions, Wireless Security, Network Security and Virtual Private Networks. |
Mobile e-mail, Anti-Virus, AntiVirus, AntiSpam, Spam, Anti-Phishing, Virus Protection, Cryptography, Firewalls, Encryption, OpenSSH, Data Security, Wireless Security, Wireless Protection, Network, Detection, Protecting, Protection, Data Security, Breaches, ...
Check Point Partner INFOSECAD - INFOrmation SECurity Active Duty |
Check Point, Checkpoint, Partner, INFOSECAD, Romania, security, firewall, support, courses, training, products
Contico-Technologies SRL was founded in 2004, as a manufacturers representative, to meet the ever-expanding semiconductor and computing requirements of European market. |
contico, technologies, manufacturers representative, semiconductor, computing requirements, Transformers, inductors, Capacitors, inductors, active components, power supplies,
CREASYS, SSII roumaine, services et développements informatiques Offshore, logiciel, Roumanie, régie, forfait |
CREASYS, Software, Informatique, Logiciel, Offshore, Outsourcing, SSII, Information Technology Company, IT, Solution, Services, Support, Romania, Roumanie, Development, Développement, Consulting, Conseil, Internet, Intranet, ...
We specialize in Software Design & Development, including Research and Consulting, Documentation and Training, Maintenance and Customer Support |
CST, CornerSoft, CornerSoft, Technologies, CST Group, CST-USA, CST-UK, CST-TE, VEMS, VPO, Project, Management, Outsourcing, Software Development, Software, Outsourcing, Internet, Banking, e-banking, ebanking, ...
