Cuvinte cautate: Talent development | pagina 10


Cătălin Codreanu :: Welcome to my WebSite - Adresa web
Catalin Codreanu's Web Site,

Client centered training & development - Adresa web
Centris este o companie de training si consultanta cu sediul central in Anglia si cu birouri reprezentative la Riga si la Bucuresti

Clubul Investitorilor 01 - Adresa web

X3 STUDIOS, Interactive media design and development - Adresa web
X3 Studios is an new media design and development studio, specialized in high-end flash development and interactive design. We create elearning modules, sales presentations, integrate powerpoint presentations into a flash movie animation, integrate complete ecommerece solutions with your flash website, create custom multimedia cds, and much more.

Welcome to Cherry Web Solutions - Adresa web
With fresh looks and open minds, we just started off in one of the most competitive and fast-growing area of IT. Although The Cherry is freshly founded - thus our portofolio being very thin - we all have experience in our respective fields and have at base several personal projects.Please take a look at our guidelines and surely you will find that we have a lot in common and you can always rely on us. See you soon!

CLUBUL VEDETELOR, Cluj Napoca, Romania - Adresa web
Sapiensis - Resurse umane, Coaching Recruiting Assessment Performance Management • Assessment - Adresa web
● • Assessment - Definition of Targeted Leadership Competencies & Outcome Goals - Leadership Needs Gap Analysis – Management Versus Staff - Comprehensive Individual Leadership Trait Profiles - Matrix of Team Leadership Traits - Leadership Development Roadmap • Coaching - Authentic Life Principles Program sessions - Life*Time Operating System sessions - Monthly MAXIMIZERS Forums - Focus on application of tools to achieving business results • Recruiting (ongoing) - Development of position pro ...

and local software development - Adresa web
Cole Street Consulting, We Build Web sites and Web Applications, offshore and local development. Offshore outsourcing.

Computer Expert: Pagina principala - Adresa web
Computer Expert ofera servicii de intretinere sisteme, cablare si administrare retele, administrare servere, consultanta securitate si comercializare sisteme si componente.

the entity - Adresa web

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