Bistrita Aurie Company with an enthusiastic and competent team is involving throughout long term commitment to satisfy company’s goal: the highest satisfaction to our clients. Impreuna cu un personal entuziast si competent, intr-o continua competitie, cu generozitate si cu cele mai bune intentii in dorinta de a se identifica intr-un angajament pe termen lung cu legile calitatii produselor si serviciilor oferite, sa atinga obiectivul existential al firmei: acela de a satisface clientii. |
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TOTAL LEADERSHIP CONCEPT este lider in dezvoltarea personala si organizationala ajutand fiecare client in parte sa obtina rezultate masurabile prin atingerea obiectivelor lor personale si profesionale. Utilizand facilitarea, coachingul si consultarea, Total Leadership Concept ofera instrumente viabile in domenii precum: leadership, management, supervizare, comunicare, productivitate, vanzari, team building, punand un puternic accent pe construirea si dezvoltarea de atitudini de succes si pe cres ... |
Total Leadership Concept, lider, obiective personale, leadership obiective, leadership in organizatii, programe dezvoltare leadership, arta de a conduce, management, vanzari, sales, productivitate, productivity, managementul timpului, time management, dezvoltare, development, dezvoltare personala, dezvoltare organizationala, strategie, misiune, ...
With a young and dynamic team, having a solid IT knowledge, we can develop projects in various domains. |
Bizzcard offers you professional web design & multimedia services. We provide complete, cost-effective solutions suited to your needs. We specialize in delivering high-impact presentaions for online or offline marketing. |
webdesign, banners, web design, cd multimedia, design web, cd card, presentations, newsletter, marketing, interactive, business cards, cd cards, bizzcards, corporate presentations, multimedia cd, catalogs, logo, corporate identity, catalogues, training, ...
Bizzcard offers you professional web design & multimedia services. We provide complete, cost-effective solutions suited to your needs. We specialize in delivering high-impact presentaions for online or offline marketing. |
webdesign, banners, web design, cd multimedia, design web, cd card, presentations, newsletter, marketing, interactive, business cards, cd cards, bizzcards, corporate presentations, multimedia cd, catalogs, logo, corporate identity, catalogues, training, ...
Ken Blanchard, Ken Blanchard Companies, blanchard, Dr. Kenneth Blanchard, Blanchard training, One Minute Manager, Leadership Situational, Situational Leadership, Situational Leadership II, Self Leadership, Situational Self Leadership, Virtual Teams, Situational Frontline Leadership, Gung Ho, Raving Fans, Coaching, Coaching Essentials for Leaders, teambuilding, Situational Team Leadership, Whale Done, ...
Blitz Advertising - Relatii Publice, Creatie, Media, Productie Publicitara - Agentie de publicitate full services |
relatii publice, teambuilding, conferinte, conferinte de presa, evenimente speciale, evenimente corporate, media, creatie grafica, creatie publicitara, productie publicitara, promotionale, advertising, publicitate, agentie, agentie de publicitate, full service, ...
We are members of a young, dynamic and innovative team which believes in the new Internet type solutions |
CBA (Cosma Boldi Alliance) was initiated in 2007 by two Romanian lawyers with expertise in the local legal system. Both founding members decided to merge their teams with the view to adjust their legal services to recently increased projects/requirements i |
BrandsOn Marketing este o agentie de BTL - domeniu aflat intr-o continua dezvoltare – care a reusit, intr-un timp scurt, sa se afirme pe piata de specialitate prin dinamica si tenacitatea caracteristica. |
Brandson, BTL, Agentie, Publicitate, Marketing, Merchandising, Mercantizare, Promotions, Promotie, Promoter, Team Leader, Supervisor, Flyer, Campanie, Sampling, Campaign, POSM, , ...
