Digital Media Group is a romanian web development team. We offer a wide range of quality web design, 3d graphic design, Macromedia Flash design, web programming in PHP, HTML, XHTML, Javascript, database management in MySQL and high quality web hosting solutions |
hosting, web hosting, cheap hosting, php mysql hosting, free domain name, digital media, webdesign, web design, 3d, digital, graphic, photo, web programming, media, internet, web designers, web, romania, programming, php, ...
Asociatia Confidens ofera servicii de training personalizate nevoilor firmelor, având ca obiective: cresterea vânzarilor cresterea productivitatii la nivel individual si în companie eficientizarea comunicarii între membrii echipelor de lucru dezvoltarea abilitatilor de conducere a angajatilor. Motivele infiintarii cabinetului psihiatric si psihoterapeutic Confidens: oferirea unor servicii in care profesionalismul este pe primul plan prin selectarea atenta a celor mai buni medici. |
formare profesionale, cursuri, vinzari, negociere, management, leadership, teambuilding, dezvoltare personala, productivitate, membrii, echipa, abilitati, hypersomnia, primary sleep disorder, idiopathic hypersomnia, psychiatric, mental illness, sleep architecture, OSA, obstructive sleep apnea, ...
Melbourne IT CBS consists of an experienced team of domain name and Internet brand specialists that provides corporate domain name management, online brand infringement, web traffic and digital certificates (SSL) services to many of the world's leading brands. |
Melbourne IT CBS, corporate brand services, corporate services, brand services, online brand management, corporate domain management, domain name management, online brand infringement, web traffic services, search engine optimisation, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, digital certificates, ssl
Eucom - cursuri limbi straine, traininguri profesionale |
training, cursuri, limbi straine, vanzari, team management, management, negociere, cursuri vanzari, organizare cursuri, atestate limbi straine, organizare,
pensiuni agroturistice, rasnov, sapard, ispa, finantari nerambursabile, silvicultura, sala de conferinte, consultanta sapard, evenimente, prezentari moda, cazare brasov, business, pensiune, centre de profit, turism de afaceri, cursuri informatica, ferme de animale, cununii, pastravarii, cazare, ...
Our aim is to help our clients promote their products and services and increase their profitability through effective and powerful live communication. In order to achieve this, we provide unique solutions that go straight to the heart of our audience. |
Event management, Funky Business, Eveniment/Evenimente, Event planning, organizari conferinte, BTL, Events, Branding, Event management, Funky Business, Eveniment/Evenimente, Event planning, organizari conferinte, BTL, Events, Branding, Launches, Conferences, Local and International Exhibitions, Roadshows, ...
Satul de vacanta Fratii Jderi - un stil de viata: salbatic in padure - civilizat in societate - sau invers |
rafting, munte, teambuilding, vacanta, cazare, agrement, casute suspendate, caiac, excursii montane, tiroliana, tir cu arcul, alpinism, calarie, aventura, supravietuire, autoaparare, horse riding, survival, self defense, climbing, ...
International Sports Management Firm |
football, fotbal, sica, gavrizi, impresari, kutuzov, sport, management, romania, italia, ukraine, belarus, teams, top, players, winners, ...
When you want the best for your party, marriage, event /any other special event, trust on us. Because we are the specialists, We are GOLDEN IDEAS !!! Our young team having professional experienced in decoration, designing cakes, lazor effects, decorating the venue with flowers or balloons or fancy decorations and not to mention creative firework, is ready at any time to deliver the best in entertaining, Celebrations, Anniversaries, Fashion presentations, Company presentations, inaugurations, pro ... |
baloane, decoratiuni, decoratiuni baloane, decoratiuni cu baloane, artificii, focuri artificii, focuri de artificii, efecte speciale, efecte, sonorizare, artisti, scena, inscris pirotehnic, pirotehnie
Software company experienced in web site design, SEO, 3D modelling, graphic and logo design, unique templates. |
design, web, software, seo, company, graphic, site, logo, dacor, templates, unique, project, development, link, management, road, infrastructure, client, service, resource, ...