Cuvinte cautate: Technical expertise | pagina 9


Sprinter Distribution, batteries, rechargeable batteries, chargers, flashlights, lighting bulbs - Adresa web
Sprinter Distribution is specialized in consumer electrical & technical products, covering this market segment since its establishment, in 1994. Today, over 100 employees organized in 8 subsidiaries deliver up to 1000 products (batteries, rechargeable batteries, chargers, flashlights, lighting bulbs and others) to more than 6000 outlets throughout Romania.

Sprinter Distribution, batteries, rechargeable batteries, chargers, flashlights, lighting bulbs - Adresa web
Sprinter Distribution is specialized in consumer electrical & technical products, covering this market segment since its establishment, in 1994. Today, over 100 employees organized in 8 subsidiaries deliver up to 1000 products (batteries, rechargeable batteries, chargers, flashlights, lighting bulbs and others) to more than 6000 outlets throughout Romania., Despre noi, Cluj - Adresa web
Oferim servicii si solutii de proiectare sonorizare si proiectii video.

.: Tezmaksan International :. - Adresa web
Tezmaksan International Romania - CNC Machine Tools Japan, CNC Machine Tools Taiwan, Service, Training, Technical Assitance, Advanced Manufacturing Solutions, High Speed Machining
● Tezmaksan International Romania Mori Seiki CNC machine tool lathes molds dies machines tools tezmaksan taiwan service training technical assistance advanced manufacturing solutions high speed machining PCD PCBN - Adresa web
Traducere online - Dictionar - roman, englez - Adresa web
Traducere online - Dictionar - roman, englez

T&T TEAM Translations, Translation Agency Timisoara, Romania - Adresa web
Official translators, technical, business and commercial translations accounting, balance sheet, P&L accounts, invoices, financial statements, annual reports, audit reports, international tenders, products catalogues, product literature, market surveys. Desktop publishing.

Translation and Interpretation Services, English, French, Hungarian, Romanian - Adresa web
Translations - English, French, Hungarian and Romanian; Technical Translations and Interpretation Services - English, French, Hungarian, Romanian

Voin Traduceri Tehnice - Adresa web
Acesta este site-ul web al companiei Voin Traduceri Tehnice, firma care ofera servicii profesionale de traduceri tehnice, technical writing si consultanta IT

Wittmann & Partner: Nearshore software development, outsourcing, offshore, Sibiu, Romania - Adresa web

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