HIDROSERV, Cluj, Romania
S.C. Hidroserv Cluj S.A. este o societate comerciala cu capital de stat avand ca obiectiv
principal de activitate : lucrari de intretinere, revizii tehnice, constructii hidrotehnice,
reparati si verificari procese automate, aparate de masura; si control, reparatii si modernizari
la agregatele si instalatiile energetice.
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verificari, metrologice, electric, electrica, telecomunicatii, ...
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Hotel in Bucharest - Bucharest Comfort Suite: hotel with very comfortable suites, Luxury, large rooms, living sharing rooms, king beds, mini bars, personal safes, TV sets and very relaxing Jacuzzi bathrooms. Each suite is luxuriously furnished with comfortable armchairs and sofas, offering a high standard of accommodation at affordable rates combining the convenience of a hotel with the privacy of an apartment. |
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Hotel in Bucharest - Bucharest Comfort Suite: hotel with very comfortable suites, large rooms, living sharing rooms, king beds, mini bars, personal safes, TV sets and very relaxing Jacuzzi bathrooms. Each suite is luxuriously furnished with comfortable armchairs and sofas, offering a high standard of accommodation at affordable rates combining the convenience of a hotel with the privacy of an apartment. |
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Hydro-x S.R.L. - Instalatii tratare apa Eurowater (dedurizare, demineralizare, osmoza inversa, degazare, deferizare, declorinare) si produse chimice conditionare apa cazan. |
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Capace canalizare, gratare geiger, rigole prefabricate, hidranti subterani |
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