Experienta in producerea de confectii din tesaturi si tricotaje cu accent pe organizare management, productie, planificare si control al productiei, logistica, calitate, engineering. |
consultanta tehnica textile, consultanta confectii, textile, tehnica, tricot, tricotaje, tesaturi, inginer confectii, inginer tricotaje, productie, produse textile, produse tricotate, confectii tesaturi, confectii textile, tricot, confectii tricotaje, manopera, intaritura, glat, tricouri, ...
textile, textile company, bussines, clothes, ready-made clothes, apparel, industry, trading, fashion, confectii, industrie, Iasi, Romania
Cea mai importanta firma din industria textila romaneasca cu capital privat, unitate integrata de prelucrare a bumbacului, unde sunt produse fire, tesaturi si confectii. |
fire, tesaturi, lenjerie de pat, fete de masa, prosoape de bucatarie, servetele, salopete, sorturi, echipamente protectie, iasitex.ro, scrgrup.ro, SCR, Iasi
Productie, cercetare, analize de laborator si consultanta in domeniul tehnopolimerilor, fibrelor si firelor sintetice precum si a materialelor textile. |
prelate, copertine, camioane, bene, remorci, ADR, acoperiri terase, marchize, vagoane, EACS, RILLS,
SCHIMMS, FALS, materiale publicitare, publicitate, PVC, autocolant, banner, autodube, inscriptionari, ...
Imatex SA is shear holded company, established in 1948, specialized in production of machinery, for different industry sectors. Till 1990 the main activity was the production of the textile machinery but from then on regarding the market changes we had to change our company strategy and activities. |
imec, aparatura, aparate, laborator, garduri, confectii, constructii, renovari, reparatii, KONTI, STEEL, HELLAS, CASAGRANDE, VASILIEV, PROCTOR, Stanta, DEVAL, SUTARD, MIVAN, KIER, ...
parafarmaceutice, produse parafarmaceutice, comprese, bandaje, tifon, pansamente, fesi, fese, plasturi, fese elastice, comprese sterile, fesi tifon, fese tifon, produse textile parafarmaceutice, reclama pe blocuri de pixeli, ...
Accesorii pentru industria de confectii |
fermoare, termocolant, tesaturi, nasturi, capse, captuseli, banda elastica, saten, snur, ata cusut, brodat, umeras, umerase, panza, etichete, ambalaje, accesorii, ...
Obiecte promotionale, cadouri inscriptionate, ceasuri, ceasuri personalizate, obiecte promotionale personalizate, genti piele, genti textil, sepci, sepci promotionale, carvate, cravate promotionale, pixuri, pixuri personalizate, articole de lux din lemn, piele si metal, memorii usb, mp3 playere, mp4 playere, post-it, post-it-uri personalizate, cristale, cristale gravate 3D, seturi de birou, seturi de scris, brichete, brichete promotionale, pixuri clips special, promotionale medicale, bomboane, b ... |
Obiecte promotionale, cadouri inscriptionate, ceasuri, ceasuri personalizate, obiecte promotionale personalizate, genti piele, genti textil, sepci, sepci promotionale, carvate, cravate promotionale, pixuri, pixuri personalizate, articole de lux din lemn, piele si metal, memorii usb, mp3 playere, mp4 playere, post-it, post-it-uri personalizate, ...