TELEPRECISION S.A. - Reprezentant unic pentru Romania al firmelor Agilent
Technologies - aparatura de masura si control si Fujikura - aparate de sudura pentru fibra optica |
osciloscoape, analizoare de retea, analizoare de protocol, analizoare de spectru, analizoare logice, analizoare de zgomot, analizoare de impedanta/material, multimetre digitale, frecventmetre, generatoare de semnal/functii, power metre si sensori de putere, aparate de masura sarcini electronice, sisteme de test si software, OTDR-uri, aparate de sudura fibra optica, conectori SC/LC, ST, power metre, Romania, reprezentare, ...
noise, vibration, vibrations, sound, torque, power, ship's speed, fuel oil consumption, maneuvrability, turning circle, stop trials, analyzer, sound level meter, diagnose, analysis, illumination, lighting intensity, , ...
Our know-how: Test and measuring instruments for watch repair service – equipment for testing and adjusting during the production process – customer-specific test equipment. |
Uhrenservice, Uhrenreparatur, Uhrenprüfung, Uhrenmessung, Uhrenprüfgerät, Uhrentestgerät, Ganggenauigkeit, Gangmessung, Gangprüfung, Leckprüfung, Schlusskontrolle, Drehmomenttest, Drehmomentprüfung, Federhaustest, Federhaus, Signalaufnehmer, Strommessgerät, Batterietest, Batterietester, watch service, ...
INNODEV focuses on development of customized solutions for industrial automation. Using the latest technologies available we provide the best solution for your business. |
