Broadway Bar Cluj Napoca is the place you can start the day in a very pleasant environment... come every weekend and try to keep the rhythm with, dancing on the music of the 60s, 70s and 80s. |
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Bucataria Ancutei ofera servicii catering de calitate si livrare la domiciliu in Cluj Napoca |
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Burcash : managementul banilor - Este primul program independent de educaţie financiară din România, desfăşurat sub formă de workshopuri şi traininguri susţinute de Eusebiu Burcaş în Cluj-Napoca, Bucureşti, Timişoara, Oradea, Braşov. |
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Cabinete stomatologie cu program NON STOP. Lista cabinetelor stomatologice din Romania cu promgram non stop si numere de telefon. - - |
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Cabinet kinetoterapie, reflexoterapie, masaj fitness in Focsani, judetul Vrancea |
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Dr. Ehssan Chadorhany - cabinet oftalmologic bucuresti ofera Consultatii, tratamente, conjuctivite, keratite, indepartare corpuri straine intraoculare, tratare cataracta, glaucom, tulburari vitreene. |
Cabinet stomatologic situat in Bucuresti.Oferim servicii de terapie, parodontologie, endodontie, chirurgie, tratament de urgenta, profilaxie, tratament speciale, protetica. |
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