Comunitatea Virtuala Bunavestire este o modalitate de conectare prin care oferim o usa deschisa pentru experimentarea lui Dumnezeu in cadrul comunitatii. |
Bunavestire, biserica, tineret, inchinare, Dumnezeu, Isus, Iisus, Duhul Sfant, Dalles, grup de casa, grup de ucenicie, intalnire de tineret, adolescenti, lideri, Bucuresti, ...
Discipleship Training School (DTS) Constanta. Go on a five and a half month journey into the very heart of God. DTS is a 5 ½ -month course consisting of 12 weeks of teaching Plus 10 weeks of practical "on-the-field" training and a final week of evaluation. Scoala Internationala de Ucenicie, Tineri pentru Misiune |
dts, ywam, discipleship, mission, training, school, constanta, ucenicie, romania, misiune, evanghelizare, outreach, Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Black See, ...
Scoala Internationala de Ucenicie (SIU/DTS) este un curs intensiv de pregatire care cuprinde 12 saptamani de teorie, urmate de o perioada de 8-12 saptamani de practica in misiune internationala. Discipleship Training School (DTS) | Tineri Pentru Misiune (TPM) | Youth With A Mission (YWAM) |
Masonic Forum is the Romanian Masonic magazine. Edited both in Romanian and English, contains interviews, informations about masonic symbolism, moments of the history of Freemasonry and portraits of the famous masons. |
master, grand master, freemasonry, building, temple, solomon, entered apprentice, argument, fellowcraft, degree, antic and accepted, scottish rite, york rite, architect, universe, brethren, brother, worshipful, spectacle, lodge, ...
Masonic Forum is the Romanian Masonic magazine. Edited both in Romanian and English, contains interviews, informations about masonic symbolism, moments of the history of Freemasonry and portraits of the famous masons. |
master, grand master, freemasonry, building, temple, solomon, entered apprentice, argument, fellowcraft, degree, antic and accepted, scottish rite, york rite, architect, universe, brethren, brother, worshipful, spectacle, lodge, ...
Fundatia Impact Media din Timisoara, promovarea valorilor crestine prin carti si casete video. |
romania, roumanie, ro, timisoara, baptist, vox domini, crestin, credinta, impact media, vox, carti, casete video, evanghelizare, ucenici, dumnezeu, rugaciune, biserica, ...
Masonic Forum is the Romanian Masonic magazine. Edited both in Romanian and English, contains interviews, informations about masonic symbolism, moments of the history of Freemasonry and portraits of the famous masons. |
master, grand master, freemasonry, building, temple, solomon, entered apprentice, argument, fellowcraft, degree, antic and accepted, scottish rite, york rite, architect, universe, brethren, brother, worshipful, spectacle, lodge, ...
Un Think Tank al Evanghelicilor Romāni |
Think Tank, evanghelic, romān, crestin, biserica, ucenicie, mentorare, paradigma, ecclessia, postmodernism, etica, cultura, valori, cetate, parabisericesti, inchinare, muzica crestina, , ...
Tineri Pentru Misiune Medias :: Scopul nostru este sa investim si sa oferim invatatura oamenilor insetati dupa mai multa hrana spirituala, gata sa fie radicali in dedicarea lor si sa creasca in umblarea lor cu Hristos: misiune, evanghelizare, studiu biblic, interpretarea bibliei, scoala, conferinta, ucenicie, inchinare, mentorare, predicare |
misiune, evanghelizare, studiu biblic, interpretarea bibliei, scoala, conferinta, ucenicie, inchinare, mentorare, predicare, School of Bible Interpretation, SBI, School of Biblical Christian Worldview, SBCW, dts, siu, medias, romania, tpm, tineri pentru misiune, ...