Muse Software is a software company specialized in Internet solutions, from web development and customized e-commerce solutions to corporate identity development and promotional services |
Muse Software, MuseSoft, software, web developement, web design, programming, outsourcing, e-commerce, media, multimedia, database, business, web promotion, .Net, ASP, ASP .Net, PHP, JSP, SQL Server, HTML, ...
GLYKON oferă o gamă completă de soluții integrate, hardware, software și servicii, pentru comerțul cu amănuntul (retail): magazine, super și hypermarket-uri, restaurante, fast-food-uri. Furnizăm, de asemenea, stații de lucru și servere, rețele de calculatoare, imprimante, scannere, copiatoare, faxuri, consumabile și accesorii, precum și service autorizat IBM, Xerox și HP. |
pos, POS, sisteme pos, sisteme POS, terminale POS, echipamente retail, echipamente benzinarii, echipamente benzinării, statii distributie carburanti, stații distribuție carburanți, cantare comerciale, cantare, cântare comerciale, cântare, mettler toledo, terminale, supermarket, hypermarket, fast-food, fast food, ...
CGI, CAD, CAM, 3D, architectural visualization, animation, computer renderings, photorealistic renderings, virtual reality, vr, qtvr, panoramas, panoramic movies, autocad, form-z, lightscape, radiosity, vector graphics, architects, design, ...
| - Progress partner. Outsourcing |
ODBC compliant database querying and processing tool, based on structured parameterizable SQL collections; iterative DBF processing, OO xbase script. |
visual query tool, parameter, parameterized sql processing, SQL, report generator, odbc, DBF, xml, parameterised query, parameterized query, automated database processing, desktop, GUI, user friendly, object oriented extensible script, windows, oracle pl/sql, ibm, mssql, db2, ...
Internet services, internet software, web design, web hosting, document conversions, PDF to DOC, flash animations, vectorisation, CAD conversion ant others |
web design, design, document conversion, conversion des documents, PDF to DOC, CAD conversions, web pages, flash animations, internet service provider, hosting, romania, roumanie, software
calculatoare, dictionare, engleza, windows,
foxpro, c, linux, franceza, germana, italiana, traduceri, asimov, medicina,
kotler, carte, carti, dictionar, romania, editura, edituri, ...
NVIDIA is the world leader in visual computing technologies and the inventor of the GPU, which generates interactive graphics on desktop computers, workstations, game consoles, and more. |
nvidia, geforce, quadro, nforce, tesla, high performance computing, hpc, sli, windows vista, drivers, vista drivers, gpu, nsist, video card, graphics card, graphics processor, video, gaming, mobile phones, consumer electronics, ...
New Visual Technology - Art Street Design Studio este o agentie publicitara din Suceava. Creatie publicitara, Webdesign, Web Site, Carti de vizita, Identitate vizuala, Bannere, Flash, Consultanta IT. |
agentie publicitara, art street design studio, brand book, brand name logos, brand new, clip art, company logos, design studio, flash design, flash web design, grafica, graphic design, graphics, logo design, new, new technology, new visual technology, noutati, nvt, gallery, ...
New York wallpapers backgrounds images skyline myspace layouts, New York news, New York classifieds, artistic events digital art graphics visual arts |
