IT, Service, calculatoare, retele, vanzari IT, sisteme, depanari, distributie, second hand, consultanta tehnica, web design, componente
The City of Otopeni's Official website offers information and online services for departments, business assistance, job opportunities, attractions, community services, and more. |
City of Otopeni, Otopeni, Ilfov, afaceri, primarie, consiliul local, legislatie, taxe, impozite, primar, formulare, online
united-domains.de - Domains suchen, registrieren, verwalten und handeln |
domains, domain, domainname, domaine, domaene, Registrierung, Portfolio, Domainhandel, Domainrecht, wunschname, meinname, inklusive, weiterleitung, kostenfrei, research, marken, markenrecht, registrieren, anmelden, reservieren, ...
Dot Commerce a deschis primul serviciu de e-commerce sau epayment in Romania oferind posibilitatea platilor online cu carti de credit VISA si MasterCard in timp real. Procesarea este securizata shopping cartul magazinelor online fiind trimis spre aprobare prin payment gatewayul propriu spre serverele 3DSecure.Plata online face facila cumpararea de pe Internet din magazinele virtuale existente. |
e-commerce, epayment, plati online, carti de credit, VISA, Mastercard, RomCard, procesare, procesator, integrator, payment gateway, portal de plata, plata online, securizat, comert electronic, shoppingcart, cumparaturi, cumpara, plateste, magazin virtual, ...
webcompagnie biedt internetoplossingen voor ondernemingen van hosting, co-locatie, domeinreigstratie, dns services tot web deployment en security |
webcompagnie biedt internetoplossingen voor ondernemingen van hosting, co-locatie, domeinreigstratie, dns services tot web deployment en security |
romania, bucharest, business, support, services, technology, information, opportunity, partner, accounting, human resources, relocation, office, set-up, opening, computer, software, telecommunication, telecoms, infrastructure, ...
Benefit from choosing outsourcing Romania. Receive quality software development services. Low cost competitive prices. Reduce risk using well educated multilingual labor pool. Realize important cost savings with offshoring Romania. Offshore is perfect solution in solving your needs. |