calculatoare, internet, web, software, site, telecom, imprimante |
Gazduire inregistrare domenii si web hosting. Oferim gazduire web si inregistrare domeniu webhosting pentru afaceri sau pentru site personal.Componente PC: Placi de baza, Procesoare, Hard Disk-uri, Hard Disk-uri externe, Memorii, Memorii externe, Placi video, TV Tunere.Camere de supraveghere special concepute pentru supraveghere video de exterior pe timp de noapte. |
webtv, multieye, detector miscare, video, securitate, 'placa captura', SUPRAVEGHERE, DVR, CCTV, digital, monitorizare, mpeg4, software, ieftin, ieftine, componente pc placi de baza procesoare hard disk-uri hard disk-uri externe memorii memorii externe placi video tv tunere editare video, inregistrare, domeniu, domeniu .ro, inregistrare domenii .ro, ...
Software and advertising company at its basis, AltFactor engaged into national and international eLearning projects. The clients can choose from several tool packs, including design tools, 3-d and multimedia technologies, pedagogical skills. |
software, eLearning (e-Learning), eContent (e-Content), 3D, open source, project, proposal, R&D, research, development, outsourcing, IT&C, ICT, WBT, CBT, LCMS, XML, SCORM, application, animation, ...
AltoSonic, baze de date, web design, software, grafica, flash, gazduire, sigle,
bannere, prelucrare fotografica, databases, graphics, hosting, logos, banners, photographic processing, ...
Amplusnet Group offers Business Monitoring Solution, Online Privacy, Community Portals, Home & SOHO Surveillance, Custom Software Development |
Amplusnet Group, Business Monitoring Solution, Online Privacy, Community Portals, Home & SOHO Surveillance, Custom Software Development, Cyclope Series, Cyclope,, Inside Logger,,,, online privacy, privacy, software, protection, security, online privacy, anonymous surfing, ...
Amplusnet Group offers Business Monitoring Solution, Online Privacy, Community Portals, Home & SOHO Surveillance, Custom Software Development |
Amplusnet Group, Business Monitoring Solution, Online Privacy, Community Portals, Home & SOHO Surveillance, Custom Software Development, Cyclope Series, Cyclope,, Inside Logger,,,, online privacy, privacy, software, protection, security, online privacy, anonymous surfing, ...
HoliSun, web, programare, soft, programming, automatica, restaurant, robotica, dezvoltare, proiectare, web design, aplicatii software, companie, software, web development, design, proiectare de aplicatii software, dezvoltare de software, Java, evidenta, stocuri, C++, baze de date, JSP, XML, HTML, EJB, bean, Swing, PHP, SQL, Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania, calitate, CMM, bar, meniu, menu |
HoliSun este o companie de software din Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania. Specializata in proiectarea de dezvoltarea aplicatiilor si in web design cu experienta in e-commerce si optimizarea web.
Software-ul de aplicatie integrat Aplix ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) rezolva evidenta financiar contabila si de gestiune, problemele legate de evidenta mijloacelor fixe si obiectelor de inventar si evidenta resurselor umane. |
erp, crm, client, server, relational, firebird, sgbdr, sql, sqlroots, sqlkraft, componente, analiza, contabilitate, financiar, trezorerie, gestiune, mijloace fixe, productie, salarii, resurse, ...
Arbeit MF homepage: CAD and programming services: AutoCAD drafting and 3D modelling, AutoLISP programming; Delphi, Pascal, C/C++ programming, technical translations (german - romanian, english - romanian, french - romanian); technische ubersetzungen (deutsch - rumanisch); software localisation -- |
translations, uebersetzungen, translation services, deutsch - rumaenisch, CAD services, servicii AutoCAD, ACAD, proiectare, desenare, programare AutoLISP, AutoLISP programming, AutoCAD add-ons,
hatch patterns, hatch generator, spell checker, dome design, icosahedron, sectional properties, software localisation, custom hatch pattern, ...
professional web design company; representing important companies and institutions from all over the world. |
web, design, architecture, architect, architects, top, best, professional, company, companies, quote, free, high, experience, experienced, designer, designers, clients, important, flash, ...
