Solutii si servicii IT complete pentru afacerea ta. BitConsulting pune la dispozitie toata gama de solutii IT&C : bugete de tehnologizare IT&C, service calculatoare, infrastructura de retea, achizitii hardware, instalare de echipamnete, asistenta tehnica, helpdesk, identitate vizuala, web design, SEO, web hosting, aplicatii software, cursuri de specializare, furnizare de servicii de voce si internet. |
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Business-IT-Group, este integrator de solutii it la nivel national Suntem in continua extindere a serviciilor noastre. Solutiile noastre sunt dintre cele mai noi solutii si tehnologii aparute pe piata IT. |
bitg, business, business it, consulting, services, hosting, web, design, group, otter, elearning, ecommerce, redhat, centos
Programming Pool Romania - a software company specialized in creating web enabled applications, including event planning, real time data analysis, content management systems, e-commerce, etc. |
programming pool romania, romanian software, software companies, websites companies, website creating companies, web design, romania webdesign companies, soft companies, programming companies, content management systems, CMS
Bitmap Advertising - grafica web si design publicitar profesional |
publicitate, webhosting, advertising, reclame, pre-press, ATL, BTL, web design, grafica, tehnoredactare, typesetting, gazduire
Satellite Internet Service Provider, one way and two way, high speed download, high speed navigation |
satellite internet, service, isp, internet, satellite, hosting, wireless, net, provider, web design, web development, connection, broadband, access, photos, download, speed, high, radio, tv, ...
Bizzcard offers you professional web design & multimedia services. We provide complete, cost-effective solutions suited to your needs. We specialize in delivering high-impact presentaions for online or offline marketing. |
webdesign, banners, web design, cd multimedia, design web, cd card, presentations, newsletter, marketing, interactive, business cards, cd cards, bizzcards, corporate presentations, multimedia cd, catalogs, logo, corporate identity, catalogues, training, ...
Bizzcard offers you professional web design & multimedia services. We provide complete, cost-effective solutions suited to your needs. We specialize in delivering high-impact presentaions for online or offline marketing. |
webdesign, banners, web design, cd multimedia, design web, cd card, presentations, newsletter, marketing, interactive, business cards, cd cards, bizzcards, corporate presentations, multimedia cd, catalogs, logo, corporate identity, catalogues, training, ...
BKD ELECTRONIC & ELECTRO PROMEX - Designs, manufactures and maintains electric and electronic equipments. SMD Technology. |
bkd electronic, electro promex, BKD ELECTRONIC, ELECTRO PROMEX, proiectare, design, service, servicii, echipamente electrice, electric equipments, echipamente electronice, electronic equipments, electric and electronic devices, electric, electronic, electronica, smd, pcb, PCB, tehnologie smd, ...
blacksolutions, it consulting, solutii web, platforme, Web development, Web Design, MSSQL, ASP.NET, ASP, CGI, Perl, Python (programming language), WebObjects, J2EE, Java (programming language), MySQL, C, C++, Cpp, C ANSI, ...
Grupul de firme Competent - Competent Construct - Competent Safety - Competent Design |
Competent, Echipamente, protectia muncii, salopete, doc, manusi, casti, tamplari, industrie, inginerie, autostrazi, haine, lucru, reflectorizant, incaltaminte, igiena, halat, rezistenta, protectie, comfort
Equipment, ...
