In May 2001, Alcoa established a strong presence in Romania with the opening of SC Alcoa Fujikura SRL in the western town of Chisineu Cris-Nadab. The facility assembles wire harnesses used in automotive electrical distribution systems for customers Ford, Audi and Volkswagen. |
Electroplating, romanian manufacturer of metal machined parts, zinc plating, nickel plating, pcb assembly and wire harness. |
electroplating, chemical electroplating, electroplating nickel, copper electroplating, pcb assembly, pcb production, pcb fabrication, wire harness, zinc plating, zinc coating, nickel plating, metal machining, electrocoating, plastic injection, plastic injection molding, plastic injection mold, bridge rectifier, ...
RealZone - internet, cablu tv si telefonie |
realzone, internet, cablu tv, telefonie, retele, cablari structurate, servere, linux, firewall, pppoe, wireless
Laptop GPS Notebook Monitoare Calculatoare PDA Imprimante |
laptop uri laptopuri notebook camere video aparate foto digitale servere calculatoare placi de retea software navigatie gps huse si genti trepiede blitzuri memorii externe incarcatoare acumulatori accesorii proiectoare pc pda audio sisteme mp3 player boxe reportofoane tv plasma lcd telefoane mobile fax baza unitate tuner carcase coolere surse componente imprimante laser cu jet monitoare scaner mouse tastatura web multifunctionale copiatoare binocluri ups hard disk procesoare CD DVD ROM RW Combo pen drive Card Reader Extern Sisteme operare antivirus desktop GSM auto plotter casti home cinema Switch access point Wireless router Bluetooth Tablete grafice Consumabile cartuse
Power saver R7-70MD
optical mouse X5-22D
optical mouse X5-26D
optical mouse X5-3D
optical mouse X5-50D
Mouse X5-57D
Mini mouse X5-60MD
Mouse X5-005D
Mouse X5-6AK
mouse X6-005D
mouse X6-10D
mouse X6-20MD
mouse X6-30D
mouse X6-57D
mouse X6-60D
mouse X6-60MD
Mouse X6-66E
mouse X6-6AK
mouse X6-70D
mouse X6-80D
X7 Game Mouse
X7 Office
2X Click Mouse
2X Wireless Mouse
Mouse optic fara fir, fara baterii
Mouse optici far
ABN Systems International este dealer de echipamente si sisteme de comunicatii: sisteme de telefonie, solutii wireless, casti profesionale, sisteme de conferinta, centrale telefonice, telefoane si accesorii. |
headset, headsets, earbud, plt, manufacturer, manufacturing, bluetooth, blue, tooth, ear, bud, oem, telephone, telephones, phone, adapter, amplifier, communications, conferencing, telecommunications, ...
MDK ALARM SYSTEMS - Sisteme de supraveghere si alarme |
Alarme, Supraveghere, MDK, Alarm, Systems, Alarme Auto, alarme auto cu pager, camere supraveghere, supraveghere video, alarme wireless, Geovision, DVR, videointerfoane, control acces,
alarme si senzori incendiu, ...
In May 2001, Alcoa established a strong presence in Romania with the opening of SC Alcoa Fujikura SRL in the western town of Chisineu Cris-Nadab. The facility assembles wire harnesses used in automotive electrical distribution systems for customers Ford, Audi and Volkswagen. |
Romania, Bucuresti, Bucharest, Network, ISP, allnet, fiber, ADSL, DLS, xDSL, wireless, leasedline, dialup, dial-up, link, wire-less, links, posta, mail, e-mail, ...
Alvarion is a powerhouse of point-to-multipoint Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) solutions for telecom carriers, service providers and enterprises. Alvarion's systems provide Internet access and voice and data services for subscribers in the last mile, for feeding of cellular networks, for building-to-building connectivity and for wireless local area network (LAN) |
Alvarion, BWA Network, broadband wireless access, wireless lan, fixed wireless, BreezeNET, BreezeACCESS, WALKair, walkair, wirelss access networks, service providers, alvarion, network management, acess, bradband, broaband, broadand, broadbad, broadband, broadbnd, ...
