Daca doresti sa angajezi pe cineva sa te ajute cu un proiect personal sau cauti sa castigi un ban in plus in timpul liber sau doar esti interesat sa vezi ce fel de proiecte circula pe piata, atunci e-Projects este site-ul pe care il cauti. |
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EROWA develops & manufactures productivity increasing solutions for metalworking companies. Solving problems with machine down times. Find detailed product information on workpiece clamping, pallet changers, software for job management. |
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CMScontrol soluzione e-business CMS per la gestione e pubblicazione di contenuti web dinamici internet, intranet ed extranet adatta a tutti. |
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Content Management Solutions - CMScontrol for admin publishing dinamic to rapidly build, manage and deploy web applications real-time for all. |
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Software company experienced in web site design, SEO, 3D modelling, graphic and logo design, unique templates. |
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Romania, consulenza industriale, project management, mediazione internazionale, organizzazione aziendale, tecnologie di lavorazione, localizzazione satellitare, prototipazione rapida, applicazioni software |
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Software company INTERCODE Romania, Custom software development, Windows, Windows CE, The best outsourcing solution, Warehouse management, workflow applications, internet, intranet solutions |
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