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Eficienta in relatiile interactive dintre companie si clienti, furnizori si parteneri. - Adresa web
Solutii software pentru eficientizarea relatiilor dintre companie si clienti, furnizori, parteneri si angajati.

Home Recording, prima comunitate din Romania dedicata productiei audio sub toate aspectele ei, Prima ... - Adresa web
Home Recording - Prima Comunitate din Romania dedicata productiei audio sub toate aspectele ei., Ai o trupa sau canti solo sau esti un producator inceputurile activitatii artistice. Iti place ceea ce faci si ai ajuns sa fii multumit de calitatea actului tau artistic sau de concluzia acestuia., Profilul lui Adobe Soundbooth defineste un program simplu care sa managerieze principalele procese de editare audio (eq, compresie, efecte, noise reduction ...) fara a pune utilizatorul in pozitia celui ce ...

Infoland SRL, Accounting and Commercial Applications - Adresa web
INFOLAND srl. - Accounting and Commercial Applications that satisfies the most unexpected needs

INTARZIA magazine, the leader of the wood-specialized press in Romania - Adresa web
INTARZIA magazin is published by Imageline Romania, printed in 7.000 copies each mounth and is the best way of communication in the romanians woodworking branch. Besides this exist the INFO-WOOD database with more than 2.000 cmpanies, sorted by company profile. AzIntarzia folyoiratot a romaniai Imageline ceg adja ki, havonta 7000 peldanyban es a romaniai faipari szakag legjelentosebb nyomtatott kommunikacios eszkoze. Emelett letezik egy INFO-WOOD adatbazis, mely tobb mint 2000 ceg adatait tartal ...

Email Marketing Software, noi simplificam email marketingul, Home - Adresa web
IntelliContact este mai mult decāt marketing prin e-mail. Intellicontact permite firmelor, organizatiilor non-profit, dar si organizatiilor de a crea, trimite si monitoriza cu usurinta newslettere, sondaje, bloguri, raspunsuri automate si feed-uri RSS, Prin ce ne deosebim de celalalte produse: usor de utilizat, Rata de livrare a mesajelor, Functiile, Precul, Prezentarea MultiChannel

InterMEDIU Romania - Adresa web
Pagina oficiala a centrelor InterMEDIU Romania - informatii utile, resurse si asistenta non-profit pentru protectia mediului inconjurator

iservices: refine, redesign or develop interactive business web sites - Adresa web
iservices designs customer centric web sites & interactive services giving users a great sense of empowerment. By using this approach iservices clients benefit from faster, cheaper and easier to use sites that ultimately translates into reducing cost.

itpfinance - Adresa web
Consultanta in afaceri si management: implementare ISO 9001, finantare investitii, plan afaceri, analiza economico - financiara, fonduri structurale, fonduri nerambursabile, credite,

James Harvest Sportswear, Romānia :: Adds profile to your business (R) - Adresa web
James Harvest Sportswear Romania. Adds profile to your business (R).

JRO TOPCONSTUCT S.R.L *Noi dam culoare casei tale*, Despre noi - Adresa web
constructii, lemn, instalatii, parchet, usi, aer, conditionat, pvc, materiale; de, constructii, gresie, termopane, tamplarie, rigips, garaj, sanitare, adezivi, aluminiu, marmura, profile, metalice, preturii, promotional, oferte, instant, comanda, materiale, domiciliu, livrare, gresie-faianta

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