AMRAZ Romania - Experts in preserving fluids |
amraz, preforme, pet, industrie, bere, racoritoare, productie, fabrica, sticle, PVC, capace, mediu, laborator, calitate, analize, furnizor, international, experienta, ape, minerale, ...
Proiectul de reabilitare a statiei de epurare din Arad - Proiect finantat prin Uniunea Europeana, fonduri ISPA. |
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Bio-Rad Laboratories manufactures and distributes thousands of products for a wide range of technologies, including proteomics, real time PCR, electrophoresis, imaging, immunoassay, chromatography, microbiology, bioinformatics, transfection, amplification, clinical informatics, internet-based services, microplate automation, immunofluorescence, cell biology, DNA hydridization, and multiplexing |
Bio-Rad Laboratories, biorad, gel electrophoresis, spectroscopy, controls, BSE testing, process chromatography, Biotechnology Explorer, real time PCR, NMR, diabetes monitoring, specialty diagnostics, confocal microscopy, veterinary diagnostics, pGlo, ceramic hydroxyapatite, proteomics, IR infrared spectroscopy, blood virus screening, environmental and sterility controls, ...
Burchel & Associates - Attorneys At Law |
Law Firm, Intellectual Property, Corporate & Commercial, Employment & Executive Compensation, IT & Telecom, Environmental Law, Litigation & Arbitration, Media & Advertising, Mergers & Acquisition, Real Estate And Construction, Taxation, Law Firm Romania
Cantor Fitzgerald emissions trading consultants, auction brokers for trading of emission reduction credits and greenhouse gas emissions credits
Cantor Fitzgerald, environmental brokerage services, emissions trading consultants, emission credit trading, emission reduction credits, consultants, brokers, greenhouse gases, emissions trading, nox prices, emission credit prices, California, Texas, Southern California, Houston, Los Angeles, emission allowance prices, nox electric plants, emission credit trading
, ...
Comelf - producator de echipamente pentru protectia mediului |
Comelf, Electrofiltre, Electrostatic Precipitators, Filtre cu saci, Bag Filters, Protectia mediului, Environmental Protection, Utilaj terasier, Earth Moving Machinery, Constructii metalice sudate, Welded Metallic Constructions, Epurare ape uzate, Waste Water Treatment, Desprafuire gaze, Gases Dedusting, Rezervoare, Tanks, Macara auto, Auto Crane, ...
Asociatia pentru protectia mediului Vox Deltae isi propune restabilirea echilibrului om-natura in Delta Dunarii, prin valorificarea potentialului uman in vederea conservarii si perpetuarii traditiilor social culturale, in spiritul respectului pentru natura. |
DirectVision is a Romanian based software company, with headquarters in Bucharest, specialized in business analysis consultancy, software development and deployment and application tuning and optimization. We bring together a group of high level IT experts, a dynamic group of young professionals who are particularly experienced in international multilingual working environment. |
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The DuPont Company Home Page. |
DuPont, dupont, Dupont, biotech, biotechnology, agriculture, farming, apparel, aerospace, automotive, construction, construction materials, fibers, carpet, floor covering, corian, home, sports apparel, electronics, environment, ...
S.C. Electrocentrale Bucuresti S.A. - is the most important heat and power producer in Romania |
thermal energy, energy, electricity, energy efficiency, Romania, Electrocentrale, Termoelectrica, energy prices, coal, gas, oil, fossil fuel, environment, environmental management, heat supplies, heat demand, auctions, careers, jobs, CV, ...
