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4E Software - Romanian software consultancy & development company, offshore outsourcing, PM, ERP/CRM, Multi-tier, Smart Client, OLAP, GIS, J2EE, security, LOHN, ORACLE, MS-SQL Server, UML, Game dev. |
4E Software, IT consultancy, custom software, Romania, Bucharest, smart client, outsourcing, PMP, CRM, ERP, business intelligence, .NET, UML, ORACLE, SQL Server, j2ee, OLAP, Delphi, GIS, ...
4E Software - Romanian software consultancy & development company, offshore outsourcing, PM, ERP/CRM, Multi-tier, Smart Client, OLAP, GIS, J2EE, security, LOHN, ORACLE, MS-SQL Server, UML, Game dev. |
4E Software, IT consultancy, custom software, Romania, Bucharest, smart client, outsourcing, PMP, CRM, ERP, business intelligence, .NET, UML, ORACLE, SQL Server, j2ee, OLAP, Delphi, GIS, ...
ActiveCare. Asistenta medicala specializata la domiciliu, Asistenta medicala profilactica la domiciliu sau la sedii de firme, Asistenta medicala si monitorizare pentru persoane aflate sub tratament sau recuperare la domiciliu, Monitorizarea evolutiei starii de sanatate a familiei si a copiilor, Activitati recreative si gospodaresti in favoarea persoanelor cu mobilitate redusa, Servicii conform normelor in vigoare ale Ministerului Sanatatiii si Familiei. |
Advantage Software Factory: Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania, Debt Collection Leader |
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Advantage Software Factory: Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania, Debt Collection Leader |
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All4Web Internet Solutions Provide E-commerce, B2B, B2C, CMS, Real Time Conference, Web Design |
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