Designers and manufacturers of heavy machine tools, vertical lathes, horizontal boring mills, vertical boring mills, gantry mills, milling machines and tire manufacturing equipment. |
machine tools, cnc machine tools, vertical turning, boring mill, horizontal boring, milling, gantry, gantry mill, Siemens, cnc lathe, vertical turning machine, horizontal turning machine, milling machines, metal cutting
repairs, automations, revamping, retrofiting and servicing machine tools trade in new and second hand machine tools |
Oferim o gama completa de masini de prelucrare pentru material plastic, ca reprezentant unic al celor mai performante firme Italiene de profil. |
injection molding, cincinnati, new toyo electric, hydraulic, disc and vertical plastic injection molding machines, used injection molding machines, toyo, electric, hydraulic, disc, vertical, plastic, injection, molding, machines, machine, machinery, new, used, processing, ...
ANAMOB is the Romanian National Association of Flour Milling and Baking Industries. Advising, consulting, training, business contacts. Promote milling, baking and lab related equipment in Romania. |
wheat, flour, miller, baker, promote, lab, milling, baking, bakery, millers, bakers, advertise, equipment, manufacturer, producer, distributor, advisory, services, consulting, investment, ...
superautomatic and traditional machines for coffee based beverages |
superautomatic machines, coffee cappuccino machines, traditional machines, Semiautomatic coffee machines, M1, M2, M3, M53, Superbar, Cappuccino station, professional coffeee machines, cappuccino cream, milk mount, Thermal balance, turbosteam, Cappuccino system, Milk precision system, Smart boiler, Peristaltic pump, coffee grinder doser, ...
Robcon TM SRL is a business located in Timisoara, Romania. We sell coating, welding, heating technology, but also trucks and other heavy equipment. We can represent your business in Romania. |
welding, coating, systems, robots, roboti, industrie, sudura, vopsire, industry, equipment, technology, heating, robcon, romania, Romania, engineering, consulting, cloos, wagner, kamaz, ...
Concept2 Manufactures Rowing Machines,
Dynamic Strength Training equipment and racing oars: Concept2 Indoor
Rower, Concept2 DYNO, Concept2 Slide, Dreissigacker Racing Oars |
Concept2 Rowing Machine, Indoor Rower, Concept, Rowing Machines, Rowing Machine,
Ergometer, Ergo, Erg,
Dyno, Dynamic Strength Training, Slide,
Dreissigacker Racing Oars, Scull, Sculls, Sculling, Sweep, Sweeps, Crew,
Row, Exercise, ...
Electroputere, Craiova, Romania, ISO, 9001,
electric, apparatus, disconnecting, switches, low, medium, high, voltage, load, automatized,
switching units, transformers, current, capacitive, special, ...
S.C. GIMART IMPORT EXPORT S.R.L. se ocupa cu executia si montajul de confectii si constructii metalice, masini si utilaje pentru industria materialelor de constructii, utilaje si piese de schimb pentru industrie, producerea si distribuirea oxigenului tehnic |
S.C. GIMART IMPORT EXPORT S.R.L., Calarasi, Romania, confectii si constructii metalice, masini si utilaje pentru industria materialelor de constructii, utilaje si piese de schimb pentru industrie, producerea si distribuirea oxigenului tehnic
Imatex SA is shear holded company, established in 1948, specialized in production of machinery, for different industry sectors. Till 1990 the main activity was the production of the textile machinery but from then on regarding the market changes we had to change our company strategy and activities. |
