Cuvinte cautate: Control access


ABT & Co - Adresa web

LINX, Sisteme de Securitate - Adresa web
Linx, ICom - Specialisti in Proiectare, Productie si Instalare de Echipamente Electronice de Inalta Tehnologie in Domeniul Sistemelor de Securitate - Incluzand Sisteme de Alarma, Instalatii de Curenti Slabi, Sisteme de Avertizare la Incendiu, Instalatii de Control Acces si Pontaj, Retele Voce/Date, Supraveghere/Navigare/Monitorizare si Localizare prin GPS/GPRS/CDMA, Supraveghere Video, Camere IP, CCTV, TVCI, Videoservere IP, Aplicatii si Automatizari Industriale, Sisteme de Supraveghere a Trafic ...

BlueNote Communications, Home - Adresa web
BlueNote Communications SA. Bluevoice brings everything you need in a Call Center Voice and Radio Logger / Recording Solution. BlueMonitor provides all the tools needed to acquire data, log it, share it on a network, display it on the screen, graph it, analyze it, and automate your project.

C-bit - Adresa web
c-bit, vivotek, retele, supraveghere video, date, voce, telefoane, centrale telefonice, supraveghere, video, control, access, smart, home, VoIP, Vdsl, FMT, prize date, JE, patch-panel, utp, ftp, FO, fibra optica, LAN, WAN, modem, wireless, structured, cabling, servicii, IT, IT&C, server, email, configuratii, camere video, soft, hard, networking, webcam, Linux, Red-hat, Vivotek, computers, PC, antene, conectori, depanare PC, devirusare, solutii, rack, office, pig-tail, PoE, Power, consiliere, eth ...

Alarm systems, video surveillance systems, control access and clocking-in, civile and industrial automations ... - Adresa web
Alarm systems, video surveillance systems, control access and clocking-in, civile and industrial automations, GPS-GPRS real time vehicle tracking, traffic control and surveillance, special communications

Secpral, Sisteme complete de securitate - Adresa web
Secpral COM Romania. - sisteme de alarma, sisteme antiincendiu si prevenire incendiu, automatizari, control acces, televiziune cu circuit inchis, interfonie, videointerfonie, de 10 ani in Romania.

Alarm systems, video surveillance systems, control access and clocking-in, civile and industrial automations ... - Adresa web
Alarm systems, video surveillance systems, control access and clocking-in, civile and industrial automations, GPS-GPRS real time vehicle tracking, traffic control and surveillance, special communications

ru, filtre, centrala, termica, centrale, termice, incendiu, efractie, control, acces, access, Giga Electronic ... - Adresa web

IMSAT Bucuresti, provider of industrial solutions: automations, railways, telecommunications, computer ... - Adresa web
IMSAT SA Bucharest specialized in industrial services: Automation, Railways, Telecommunications, Networking, Firefighting & Access control systems, Electrical equipment, Metallic structures
Automation in cement plants, water plants and power plants, Railways, Telecommunications, Networking, Firefighting & Access control systems, Electrical equipment, Metallic structures, Turnkey industrial projects

IQ INVENT - Adresa web
Security Systems

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