Trading with all kind of used machine tools, our team has worked to develop long term relationships with our customers and doing whatever is necessary to meet their machinery needs |
| provides the best information technology solutions as custom software, database consulting, web systems development, web design |
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Custom WordPress Solutions |
Thousands of free images and digital photos organized into categories: greeting e-cards, animated ecards, tattoo designs and tattoo patterns, tattoo photos and pictures, funny images, etc. |
VBS – Client Reearch & Consulting este o companie cu prestigiu pe piata romaneasca care ofera un program personalizat de monitorizare si imbunatatire a serviciului oferit clientilor! Customer Service Excellence Club: Cercetari de Marketing * Mystery Shopping * Training * Consultanta |
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Pantofi La Comanda - Numele meu este Stefan si am sa incerc prin intermediul acestui site, de a va face o idee despre cat de importanti sunt pantofii, in vestimentatia masculina. O tinuta perfecta, va fi distrusa daca nu este insotita de pantofii potriviti. NU UITATI! O pereche de pantofi buni confera stralucire hainelor dumneavoastra. Designul inedit si calitatea superioara a pantofilor incununeaza orele noastre de stradanie, timpul petrecut cu fiecare pereche care va ajunge sa innobileze tinuta ... |
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Leaders of Freight Brokerage, Shipping, Chartering & Logistics. |
stockcargo, stoccargo, shipping, international transportation, freight broker, chartering, transport carriers, forwarders, logistic, truckload, air cargo, container load, tanker, break bulk, heavy transport, heavy equipment, large cargo, imports exports, ...
Consultanta, fonduri europene, PM, solutii IT&C, proiecte complexe, monitorizare, studii de fezabilitate, Analiza de business si de sistem, caiete de sarcini, proiecte militare, Evaluare infrastructura, portaluri, aplicatii web, aplicatii dedicate, aplicatii specifice |
software development, software development romania, software, software design, design and development, e-business, e-commerce, outsourcing, custom software, ERP, Oracle Applications, Oracle, enterprise resource planning, ebusiness, ecommerce, web, Internet, ...
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