Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system |
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ALTRES HR este o firma ce ofera servicii integrate de resurse umane. ALTRES HR s-a nascut din dorinta de a munci in spiritul valorilor personale a celor ce au creat aceasta companie: VIZIUNE, DEDICARE, ATITUDINE. Convingerile noastre: Lucram impreuna, Recunoastem cand situatiile profesionale ne depasesc si propunem solutii, Suntem datori sa fim sinceri cu clientii nostrii, Avem nevoie de continua perfectionare, Este exclus sa evitam sa ne asumam greselile, Vrem sa ii invatam pe cei din jurul nostru ... |
Altres HR, Resurse Alternative, Mystery-Shopping, Leasing de personal, Leasing, consultanta, servicii, training, recrutare, selectie, resurse umane, personal, servicii gratuite, coaching, programe, assessment center, head hunting, executive search, baza, ...
Mystery Shopping este o tehnica de marketing utilizata de catre companiile care doresc sa masoare calitatea serviciilor oferite de catre proprii angajati/ colaboratori. |
VBS – Client Reearch & Consulting este o companie cu prestigiu pe piata romaneasca care ofera un program personalizat de monitorizare si imbunatatire a serviciului oferit clientilor! Customer Service Excellence Club: Cercetari de Marketing * Mystery Shopping * Training * Consultanta |
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4ACE, ACE, Public Relarions, PR, Publicity, Actiune, Calitate, Eficienta, Stil, Comunicare, Imagine, Companie, Produs, Clienti, parteneri, Afaceri, Succes, Public, Tinta, Promovare, ...
4E Software - Romanian software consultancy & development company, offshore outsourcing, PM, ERP/CRM, Multi-tier, Smart Client, OLAP, GIS, J2EE, security, LOHN, ORACLE, MS-SQL Server, UML, Game dev. |
4E Software, IT consultancy, custom software, Romania, Bucharest, smart client, outsourcing, PMP, CRM, ERP, business intelligence, .NET, UML, ORACLE, SQL Server, j2ee, OLAP, Delphi, GIS, ...
4E Software - Romanian software consultancy & development company, offshore outsourcing, PM, ERP/CRM, Multi-tier, Smart Client, OLAP, GIS, J2EE, security, LOHN, ORACLE, MS-SQL Server, UML, Game dev. |
4E Software, IT consultancy, custom software, Romania, Bucharest, smart client, outsourcing, PMP, CRM, ERP, business intelligence, .NET, UML, ORACLE, SQL Server, j2ee, OLAP, Delphi, GIS, ...
Codul fiscal 2007, controlul fiscal, facilitati fiscale, active, cheltuieli si venituri, furnizori, clienti, stocuri, dividende, planul de conturi, profit, pierde, tva |
contabil, contabilitate, tva, profit, accize, active, capital, profit, pierdere, venituri, cheltuieli, leasing, bilant, dividende, controlul fiscal, fiscalitate, fiscal, salarizarea, facilitati fiscale, horoscop, ...
Premier Romanian provider of Custom software development, software outsourcing, and offshore software development services for clients in UK, USA, France, Switzerland and Belgium |
Acqua, Development, Romania, Romanian, software, services, Custom Software Solutions, Software Development, outsourcing, offshore, offshore outsourcing, software service development, Romania software outsourcing, offshore software outsourcing Romania, Romania outsourcing, outsourcing Romania, outsourcing Europe, Europe outsourcing, custom software development romania, romania custom software development, ...
