AZERO - plotare online, multiplicare, scanare si livrare la sediu. Printare CAD/GIS, foto-poster, tipar digital+offset, inramare profesionala, productie CD/DVD, cutting plotter. |
AZERO, plotare, multiplicare, scanare, A0, A1, A2, A3, plotter, scanner, CAD, GIS, planuri, plan, dwg, poster, fotografii, inramare, tipar, digital, ...
Bancor Hardmetal Tools Limited is a Romanian-German Manufacturing Joint-Venture Company, specialized in Tungsten Carbide Tooling and Wear Parts. |
bancor, hardmetal, tools, hardmetal tools, bancor hardmetal tools, extrusion tools for cross heads, insulation lines, welding electrodes extrusion tools, sandblasting nozzels, cutting wire guides, special nozzles, insert for nail making tools, hardmetal balls and seats for oil pumps, ceramic balls and seats for oil pumps, sealing rings, glass cutting wheels, hardmetal needles, special hardmetal parts, hardmetal rolls, extrusion dies and punches, ...
Willkommen bei Biotechnik - Ihr Partner in Rumänien für die Edelstahlverarbeitung, BIOTECHNIK - Your partner for stainless-steel processing in Romania |
Bleche, Profile, spanlos, spanabhebend, schweißen, beizen, elektropolieren, montieren. BIOTECHNIK, Druckbehälter, Vakuumanlagen, Dampferzeuger, Druckgeräte, Verschlüsse, Schnellverschlüsse, Öffnungshilfen, metal plates, profiles, non-cutting, metal-cutting, welding, ...
Prelucrare si distributie de hartie si cartoane tipografice, in coala sau in bobina. Debitare hartie sau carton de orice tip din bobina in coala. |
paper, printing, cardboard, processing, distribution, cutting paper, cardboard, reel, sheet, arcticpaper, arctic, amber, kripto, eti, labels, double coated paper, glossy, offset, ...
Robcon TM SRL is a business located in Timisoara, Romania. We sell coating, welding, heating technology, but also trucks and other heavy equipment. We can represent your business in Romania. |
welding, coating, systems, robots, roboti, industrie, sudura, vopsire, industry, equipment, technology, heating, robcon, romania, Romania, engineering, consulting, cloos, wagner, kamaz, ...
printare, imprimer, printing, scanare, scaner, scanning, copiere, copier, copying, imagine, image, image(picture), documente, documents, documents, calitate, qualite, quality, taiere, coupe, cutting, particule, particules, particles, dimensiune, dimension, taille, mesure, dimension, size, mesure, motor, moteur, engine, putere, puissance, power, fasii, bandes, strip, file, feuilles, sheets, nivel, niveau, level, capacitate, capacite, capacity, tehnologie, technologie, technology, laser, laser, la ... |
printare, imprimer, printing, scanare, scaner, scanning, copiere, copier, copying, imagine, image, image(picture), documente, documents, documents, calitate, qualite, quality, taiere, coupe, ...
tubes, steel, stockholder, pipes, mechanical, hydraulic, tube cutting and deburring,
precision tube cutting, cold drawn tube, welded tube, hot finished tube, hollow bar, european tubes, hub tubes,
wheeler tubes, nts, hydraulic tube, feed pipe, steel tube, cew tube, ...
tubes, steel, stockholder, pipes, mechanical, hydraulic, tube cutting and deburring, precision tube cutting, cold drawn tube, welded tube, hot finished tube, hollow bar, european tubes, hub tubes, wheeler tubes, nuts, hydraulic tube, feed pipe, steel tube, engineering, ...
tubes, steel, stockholder, pipes, mechanical, hydraulic, tube cutting and deburring, precision tube cutting, cold drawn tube, welded tube, hot finished tube, hollow bar, european tubes, hub tubes, wheeler tubes, nuts, hydraulic tube, feed pipe, steel tube, engineering, ...
FARMERS TEXTILE CONFECTION – producer of the renowned FARM'S JEANS – producatorul cunoscutilor FARM'S JEANS |
blue jeans, jeans, denim, jeans producer, Romania, Bucharest, washing services, washing, laundry, cotton, yarn, fabrics, factory, trousers, material, jacket, t-shirt, tshirt, outwear, underwear, ...
