CAR Faur exista pentru a oferi membrilor serviciile unei institutii solide, disciplinata financiar, avand resurse umane calificate, care deservesc nevoile financiare de economii si imprumuturi. |
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Colegiul Agricol Dimitrie Cantemir Husi: colegiul, colegiu tehnic, liceu, Husi, scoala, educatie, elevi, profesori, invatamant, institutie scolara. |
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Discipleship Training School (DTS) Constanta. Go on a five and a half month journey into the very heart of God. DTS is a 5 ½ -month course consisting of 12 weeks of teaching Plus 10 weeks of practical "on-the-field" training and a final week of evaluation. Scoala Internationala de Ucenicie, Tineri pentru Misiune |
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Scoala Internationala de Ucenicie (SIU/DTS) este un curs intensiv de pregatire care cuprinde 12 saptamani de teorie, urmate de o perioada de 8-12 saptamani de practica in misiune internationala. Discipleship Training School (DTS) | Tineri Pentru Misiune (TPM) | Youth With A Mission (YWAM) |
Masonic Forum is the Romanian Masonic magazine. Edited both in Romanian and English, contains interviews, informations about masonic symbolism, moments of the history of Freemasonry and portraits of the famous masons. |
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Masonic Forum is the Romanian Masonic magazine. Edited both in Romanian and English, contains interviews, informations about masonic symbolism, moments of the history of Freemasonry and portraits of the famous masons. |
master, grand master, freemasonry, building, temple, solomon, entered apprentice, argument, fellowcraft, degree, antic and accepted, scottish rite, york rite, architect, universe, brethren, brother, worshipful, spectacle, lodge, ...
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Masonic Forum is the Romanian Masonic magazine. Edited both in Romanian and English, contains interviews, informations about masonic symbolism, moments of the history of Freemasonry and portraits of the famous masons. |
master, grand master, freemasonry, building, temple, solomon, entered apprentice, argument, fellowcraft, degree, antic and accepted, scottish rite, york rite, architect, universe, brethren, brother, worshipful, spectacle, lodge, ...
Petrut Calinescu - photojournalist |
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