UMARO S.A. deals with the following domains: vertical turning lathes, woodworking machines, mechanical workings investors, combined joinery machines, milling machines, saws, thicknessing machines, planing machines, boring machines, wood debarkers |
woodworking machines, ball bearing machines, mechanical workings investors, joint-venture, combined joinery machines, milling machines, saws, planing machines, wood debarkers, feeding devices, vertical mill saws, parquet working machines, presses, ball filling, ball grinding, ball lapping, ball bearing, mill for wheat, hammers mill, mill for maize, ...
nearshore software development, outsourcing, offshore, Wittmann&Partner, Sibiu, Romania, .net, Java, PowerBuilder, Lotus Notes, web, ecommerce
Alvarion is a powerhouse of point-to-multipoint Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) solutions for telecom carriers, service providers and enterprises. Alvarion's systems provide Internet access and voice and data services for subscribers in the last mile, for feeding of cellular networks, for building-to-building connectivity and for wireless local area network (LAN) |
Alvarion, BWA Network, broadband wireless access, wireless lan, fixed wireless, BreezeNET, BreezeACCESS, WALKair, walkair, wirelss access networks, service providers, alvarion, network management, acess, bradband, broaband, broadand, broadbad, broadband, broadbnd, ...
BKD ELECTRONIC & ELECTRO PROMEX - Designs, manufactures and maintains electric and electronic equipments. SMD Technology. |
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Flamingo Computers Romania - over 10 million hits in the IT world! ... |
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Cisco Systems Inc. este lider mondial în retele pentru Internet. Produsele includ concentratoare de acces, servere de acces, Cisco Secure, Cisco IOS Software, Cisco Works2000, echipamente DSL, hub-uri si concentratoare, interfete si adaptoare, management de retea, echipamente pentru transmisii prin fibra optica, router-e, switch-uri, telefonie, mesagerie unificata, video, web si wireless |
Cisco Systems, 802.11, Access, Acces, AVVID, Arhitectura pentru Voce, Video si Date Integrate, ATM, Tehnologie de Transfer Asincron, broadband, banda larga, Cable, Cablu, catalyst, ccna, Cisco IOS Software,,, CiscoWorks2000, Content Delivery Networks, ...
Flamingo Computers Romania - over 10 million hits in the IT world! ... |
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Flamingo Computers Romania - over 10 million hits in the IT world! ... |
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Flamingo Computers Romania - over 10 million hits in the IT world! ... |
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Flamingo Computers Romania - over 10 million hits in the IT world! ... |
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