Antic and Rustic Furniture Fittings Producer- Producator de Feronerie Mobila - Möebel Beschlag - Butor Vasalat - Cabinet Hardware |
furniture fittings hinges, cabinet hardware, cabinet fittings, moebelbeschlaege, beschlaege, catches, locks escutcheons, feronerie mobila, feronerie mobilier, furniture fittings, butorvasalások, Möbelbeschlage, feronerie pentru mobila, keys, knobs, handles, locks, antic, rustic, designed, ...
| este portal B2B pentru afaceri in domeniul lemnului |
Cherestea, furnir, parchet, paleti, panouri, mobilier, utilaje,
case din lemn, semifabricate din lemn, busteni, brad, fag, cires, molid, nuc, stejar, Lumber,
Veneer, Palette, Parquet, ...
Designers and manufacturers of heavy machine tools, vertical lathes, horizontal boring mills, vertical boring mills, gantry mills, milling machines and tire manufacturing equipment. |
machine tools, cnc machine tools, vertical turning, boring mill, horizontal boring, milling, gantry, gantry mill, Siemens, cnc lathe, vertical turning machine, horizontal turning machine, milling machines, metal cutting
Import and trading company of tungsten carbide inserts and tools, accessories and spare parts for metalworking, woodworking, stoneworking, as well as other hard metal products, wear parts - Societate de import si comert cu placute si scule din carburi metalice sinterizate, accesorii si componente, precum si alte produse din metale dure, piese de uzura |
tungsten carbide, tungsten carbide cutting tools, indexable cutting inserts, hardmetals, Hartmetall, HM, Cemented carbide, carbides, cemented carbide indexable cutting inserts and accessories, cermet, technical ceramics, ceramics, silicon nitride, metalworking, woodworking, plasticsworking, stoneworking, hard materials, accessories, spare parts, ...
mobilier pictat si decoratiuni interioare |
Togo Design - interior design, decorated and painted furniture, mobila pictata si decorata, armoires, dulap pictat, bed tables, corner table, decoratiuni, decorative photo, furniture, mese desenate, vase de ceramica, decoratiuni interioare, mobilier_pictat, mobila, vase_ceramica, tapiserie, oglinzi, ceasuri, comode, ...
ecological spruce fir furniture pieces, all models are made exclusively of massive fir wood, the production designed for the export to the countries of the European Community, exportation du mobilier écologique en bois massif de sapin (épicéa), la production est destinée a l`exportation dans les pays de la Communauté Européenne
ecological spruce fir furniture pieces, all models are made exclusively of massive fir wood, the production designed for the export to the countries of the European Community, exportation du mobilier écologique en bois massif de sapin (épicéa), la production est destinée a l`exportation dans les pays de la Communauté Européenne
U.V. FURNITURE, a private company specialized in manufacturing tables, colonial chairs, bentwood chairs, rustic chairs and small furniture, made of solid beech wood, in various attractive design. |
UV Furniture, Romania, U.V. Furniture, contract, furniture, tables, chairs, contract furniture, manufacturier, manufacturer, fabricante, pedestals,
Versapak (International) Ltd is a leading UK based manufacturer of mailroom furniture and mailroom equipment, including mail trolleys, mailsort frames and benching, and mailing pouches and other bags. Offering bespoke mailroom design and bag manufacturing services. |
●, Versapak, versapack, mailroom equipment, mailroom furniture, mail trolleys, postal trolleys, mailroom benching, mailsort frames, pigeon holes, post room benching, mailing pouches, security pouches, courier holdalls, tailor made bags, mailroom design, postal sort units, internal post boxes, mailsack holders, mail sacks, ...
Producator si importator de mobila bucatarie si mobilier bucatarie la comanda.
Producem la cele mai inalte standarde mobila de bucatarie din pal melaminat. |
luxury, kitchen, furniture, gallery, mobilier bucatarie, mobila de bucatarie, mobila bucatarie, bucatarii la comanda, bucatarie la comanda, electrocasnice, plite, cuptoare, hote, mobila de bucatarie, mobila la comanda, ...
Being an expert in our branch we dispose of profound knowledge and many decades of experience in the filing sector. (Gold Medal winner at the international Inventor's Fair in Brussels.) Our world-wide distribution network makes sure you can get in touch with us quickly. |
WÄLLER, WAELLER, Hörster, Office-Organization, GmbH, Officeorganization, Hahn, Westerwald, HOERSTER, Office, Organization, Filing system, carousel, filing, rotary, filing, furniture, filing furniture, hanging files, files, ...
