Versapak (International) Ltd is a leading UK based manufacturer of mailroom furniture and mailroom equipment, including mail trolleys, mailsort frames and benching, and mailing pouches and other bags. Offering bespoke mailroom design and bag manufacturing services. |
●, Versapak, versapack, mailroom equipment, mailroom furniture, mail trolleys, postal trolleys, mailroom benching, mailsort frames, pigeon holes, post room benching, mailing pouches, security pouches, courier holdalls, tailor made bags, mailroom design, postal sort units, internal post boxes, mailsack holders, mail sacks, ...
ABC Systems SRL is a company specializing in full construction services for utilities and industry. We provide quality products a and services based upon versatility and innovative technology. |
ABC Systems SRL, Romania, Mehedinti, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Dunare, Danube, companii, companies, instaltii, installations, constructii, constructions, montaj, montage, asamblare, assembling, conducte, pipes, echipamente industrfiale, industrial equipments, ...
produse, zootehnie, echipamente, utilaje, igiena, igienizare, industria alimentara, medicina, medicina veterinara, produse chimice, chimice, farmaceutice, produse farmaceutice,
aparatura, instrumentar, ag-chim, ag chim, trading, equipment, washing machines, ...
filtre aer, filtre cu saci, filtrare aer, desprafuire, separare, pulse jet, air filters, bag filters, air filtration, gasification, biomasa, biomass, fast pyrolise, piroliza rapida, , ...
How to increse your business with TPM and 6 Sigma methods.Cost-loss analyse, losstree, kaizen, Overall Equipment Efficiency, SMED |
Also SRL - Producator de Echipamente de Lucru si Protectia Muncii |
ALSO, Protectia Muncii, Protectia, Protectie, Echipamente, Echipamente de Protectie, Echipamente de lucru, Echipamente de lucru si protectia muncii, Echipamente de Protectia Muncii, Echipamente Protectie, de, confectii protectia muncii, confectii, confectii protectie, salopete, costum salopeta, salopeta, halate, halat, combinezon, ...
Oferim o gama completa de masini de prelucrare pentru material plastic, ca reprezentant unic al celor mai performante firme Italiene de profil. |
injection molding, cincinnati, new toyo electric, hydraulic, disc and vertical plastic injection molding machines, used injection molding machines, toyo, electric, hydraulic, disc, vertical, plastic, injection, molding, machines, machine, machinery, new, used, processing, ...
Amideco, Romania, Baia Mare, Maramures, Large size advertising production, Equipment for cardboard packing, Metallic manufactures, wrought iron, printings, Wrought iron fences and gates, Indoor and outdoor banisters |
ANAMOB is the Romanian National Association of Flour Milling and Baking Industries. Advising, consulting, training, business contacts. Promote milling, baking and lab related equipment in Romania. |
wheat, flour, miller, baker, promote, lab, milling, baking, bakery, millers, bakers, advertise, equipment, manufacturer, producer, distributor, advisory, services, consulting, investment, ...
EL-CO - Low voltage equipment and industrial ceramic products. EL-CO - Echipamente de joasa tensiune si ceramica industriala. |
sigurante, siguranta, siguranta tip D, siguranta tip D0, siguranta tip MPR, corp de iluminat, dulie, dulie portelan, aplica, aplici, halogen, conector, conectori, bachelita, masa plastica, soclu, capac, capace, element de inlocuire, surub de calibrare, ...
