Augusta Papier este unul din principalii importatori si distribuitori de hartie din Romania, cu o experienta de peste un deceniu de colaborare cu marii producatori din Europa, oferind gama cea mai diversa de produse din urmatoarele categorii de aplicatii: CREATIVE – hartii si cartoane fine sau hartie sintetica pentru diverse materiale promotionale, lucrari artistice, brosuri, calendare; TIPOGRAFICE – hartie utilizata in industria tipografica, pentru toate tipurile de tiparire si procesare: harti ... |
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Vector Media is a new advertising agency in the Romanian Advertising Market. Its history is a very short one but already important
Objective: to consolidate the company with the best people within the most efficient and flexible structure
Added value:
-The service and the knowledge of some of the most experienced people in the market
-The special relationship we have with our partners - based on trust and professionalism |
Important events from the life of our agency. 2EXCITE is an advertising agency which provides simple creative and attractive solutions meant to impress the audience and positively influence your company's profitability. |
2EXCITE, latest news, events, services, projects, advertising, ATL, BTL, branding, identity, design, interactive
| is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history. |
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Formula 1 history and statistics since 1950 |
Formula 1 history and statistics since 1950 Formula 1 drivers teams circuits. Preview for next formula1 race
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| is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history. |
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Cel mai simplu mod de a te abona la publicatiile romane si straine.( Monitorul Oficial, Curierul Legislativ, Tribuna Economica, Adevarul, Cronica Romana, Curentul, Gardianul, Gazeta Sporturilor, National Geographic si multe altele) |
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