CGI, CAD, CAM, 3D, architectural visualization, animation, computer renderings, photorealistic renderings, virtual reality, vr, qtvr, panoramas, panoramic movies, autocad, form-z, lightscape, radiosity, vector graphics, architects, design, ...
Proiect Design - Rm. Valcea - Specializati in prelucrare de date, proiectare mecanica & termica, cadastru, GIS si vectorizare planuri de imobile. |
Proiect, design, arhitectura, cadastru, constructii, baze, date, informatie, informatii, categorie, lucrari, tehnic, control, inregistrare, realizare, societate, prelucrare, geografic, grafica, tehnologie, ...
Deep Freeze, deepfreeze, Microsoft, OSL, licentiere, modele licentiere, academic, academice, servicii, programe, medii universitare, software, consultanta, IT, infrastructura, tehnologii, Autodesk, AutoCAD, Inventor, RIO, ...
Pagina agentiei de publicitate TMT MEDIA INTERNATIONAL, publicitate, oferte, download, stiri, foto, clipart, video, audio, games, download, press agency, photo, advertising, vectorial, games, wallpaper, imobiliare |
meta tag, keywords, cuvinte cheie, publicitate, oferte, download, stiri, foto, clipart, video, audio, games, download, press agency, photo, advertising, vectorial, games, wallpaper meta tag, ...
Vector Media is a new advertising agency in the Romanian Advertising Market. Its history is a very short one but already important
Objective: to consolidate the company with the best people within the most efficient and flexible structure
Added value:
-The service and the knowledge of some of the most experienced people in the market
-The special relationship we have with our partners - based on trust and professionalism |
Echipamente format mare: scannere A0, imprimante A1-B0, cutter-plottere, laminatoare la cald si rece, software RIP, scan-to-copy, scan-to-print, vectorizare.Publicitate si echipamente pentru productie publicitara |
Scaner, format mare, A0, scanner, Colortrac, large format, scanare, imprimante, plotter, cutter-plotter, Copam, publicitate, productie publicitara, laminator, software, vectorizare, RIP, signsoftware, printare, laminare, ...
clicktoris is a growth-driven creative agency. our services include identity development, marketing campaigns, self-promotional collateral, websites, radio production, video production and everything in between. |
clicktoris, zoicas, dorin, publicitate, Diseño, media, concept, graphic, fad, cluj, communication, vector, visual communication
24x7.ro, Ziare, ziare.ro, ziare.com, Stiri Online, News Online, Ziare romanesti, Presa, Presa regionala, Presa maghiara, Sport, Publicatii, Radio, Tv, Reviste, Romanian, Romanian newspapers |
ziare, ziare.ro, ziare.com, ziar, 24x7, 24x7.ro, www.24x7.ro, romanesti, stiri, ziare romanesti, stiri, online, stiri online, romanian, newspapers, romanian newspapers, roman, mass, media, mass media, ...
2activePR is a strategic communications firm specializing in media relations, event management, corporate & consumer communications, internal communications, perception & image audits, press monitoring and publishing. |
2inventive.com - Custom professional web design services/ |
web page design, web design, design, business, media, animation, graphics, home page, personal home page, internet, business-to-business, websites, b2b, corporate site, personal site, website redesign, web site maintenance, designers, flash, romania, ...
