Irish Town Development dezvolta un nou cartier rezidential in Ploiesti. Irish Park respecta standardele de calitate si arhitectura primului proiect pe care compania l-a realizat in aceeasi zona a orasului Ploiesti, cartierul Irish Town. |
Irish Park, Ploiesti, Romania, Irish Town Construction, Irish Town Development, housing, townhouses, detached, terraced, duplex, detasate, cuplate, izolate, case, Paulesti, ieftine, convenabile, economice, case, constructii, ...
Prezentare S.C. KIRSCHBAUM S.R.L. Sibiu - ROMANIA. Societate de constructii cu capital privat. Lucrari de constructii la nivel european. |
kirschbaum, constructii, building, baugesellschaft, instalatii, piping, proiectare, produse, finisaje, izolatii, amenajari, sanitare, termice, electrice, bauarbeiten, hochbau, herstellung, metalconstruction, complexes, bancpost, ...
Explore 3M, the diversified technology company with leading positions consumer and office; display and graphics; electronics and telecommunications; health care; industrial; safety, security and protection services; transportation and other businesses. |
3M about 3m innovation innovative products and technologies technology solutions architecture construction auto automotive marine aerospace electronics manufacturing graphic arts signs health care home leisure manufacturing industrial office products transportation personal safety utilities telecommunications investors financials 3m worldwide quarterly earnings skin health security touch systems
Liebrecht & wooD is a construction project developer, mainly operating in the Polish and Romanian markets. What started out as an 'agency providing independent advice on property management' has grown into a business with a total approach towards real estate development. The key to the company's success is in its motto: Liebrecht & wooD indeed has a different vision on real estate - instead of the traditional focus on property, Liebrecht & wooD has chosen the client's perspective. |
liebrecht wood real estate poland romania construction project developer independent advice on property management total approach real estate development different vision on real estate
Magazin virtual - Instalatii termice, sanitare, centrale termice, radiatoare, robineti, izolatii, cazane. Servicii de executie, montaj, proiectare si consultanta. Oferte speciale: Ariston, Ferroli, Buderus, Vaillant, Immergas, Saunier Duval, Baxi |
instalatii termice, centrale termice, centrale, termice, instalatii sanitare, instalatii, radiatoare otel, radiatoare fonta, radiatoare aluminiu, radiatoare, robineti, izolatii, cazane lemn, cazane gaz, cazane, executie, montaj, proiectare, consultanta, promotii, ...
Site under construction // Pagina in constructie |
Lithinia - apa vietii, apa dragostei si tineretii. Lithia - apa minerala bogata in litiu |
apa, minerala, ape, minerale, soda, mineral, water, waters, lithinia, lithia, litiu, lithiu, lithium, oradea, pentie, perami, irish, pub, sebi, tont, ...
The Louis Berger Group, Consulting
Engineers |
The Louis Berger Group Inc., engineer,
environment, environmental, science, scientist, structures, structural engineers,
transport, transportation, economic, development, development economics,
World Bank, Asian Development Bank, IBRD, ADB, nation building, Iraq,
Afghanistan, ...
%if(, , is coming soon!) |
