Cuvinte cautate: It consultants | pagina 5


ITJOBS site - Adresa web
ITJobs - database for employers and job seekers in IT

Startseite - Adresa web
InOne - Oracle JDE Partner und IT-Dienstleister.

ITJOBS site - Adresa web
ITJobs - database for employers and job seekers in IT

ITJOBS site - Adresa web
ITJobs - database for employers and job seekers in IT

ITJOBS site - Adresa web
ITJobs - database for employers and job seekers in IT

ITJOBS site - Adresa web
ITJobs - database for employers and job seekers in IT

KALIS Computers SRL, Firma este in curs de lichidare! - Adresa web
KALIS Computers SRL Cluj-Napoca ofera solutii complete IT: asistenta tehnica si service, asamblare/comercializare hardware, web design si Internet publishing, distribuitor autorizat suita contabilitate 'Logicont'. Desktop computers and hardware/software retailer, web design and technical assistance IT company based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

G & G Trading 2000 - Adresa web
Affordable software engineering and web development outsourcing or subcontracting in Eastern Europe, with U.S- and Europe-based project management. Dragos Matei Engineering and A+ students of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest assist software publishers, IT consultants, web design companies, real estate companies, and any company looking to outsource or subcontract their Web, Windows, Linux, Palm OS, or Windows CE application development.

GIEF - Adresa web
Group of Independent Experts ROMANIA. GIE FOLOS consultants are offering technical assistance related to the environment: Management of the urban and industrial waste, Impact evaluation, Risk evaluation (SEVESO), Pollution monitoring (water, air, soil, waste, noise, transport), Environmental Audit (EMAS), Introduction of the environmental management systems in enterprises (ISO 14001), Market sectorial analysis, Training

Olteanu si Asociatii, Law Firm - Adresa web
Olteanu and Partners Law Firm is a Romanian lawyers asociation with advocates and legal consultants offering legal services in investments, insurance, finance, corporate, commercial, civil laws and courts arbitration, comercial litigation, judicial liquidattion, banking law consulting, legal and tax advice.

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