NOBEL Romania, lider in telefonie internationala ofera: Cartele telefonice pentru convorbiri internationale: tarife mici, customer service 24/7, infrastructura si knowhow american |
NOBEL Romania, lider in telefonie internationala ofera: Cartele telefonice pentru convorbiri internationale: tarife mici, customer service 24/7, infrastructura si knowhow american |
Fabrica de reductoare Resita Renk. Reductoare industriale, navale, proiectare, service. Knowhow, licenta si tehnologie germana. |
Fabrica de reductoare Resita Renk. Reductoare industriale, navale, proiectare, service. Knowhow, licenta si tehnologie germana. |
ITtraining - CENTRUL DE TRAINING IT ROMSYM detine o baza moderna de training, 2 sali de curs cu 18 statii de lucru, dotate din punct de vedere hardware si software cu tot ceea ce este necesar pentru buna desfasurare a cursurilor. |
training, cursuri, ITtraining, Cursuri Linux, Cursuri Business Intelligence, Cursuri de securitate, Cursuri Macromedia, Cursuri Adobe, Adobe, Macromedia, Symantec, Norton Antivirus, Cursuri ECDL, Acreditare ECDL, Cursuri Video, MacOSX, Cursuri Webdesign, SPSS, Cursuri SPSS, Data Mining, ...
Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung der Qualität - ARGE Qualitätsarbeit |
Qualität, Management, Statistik, EOQ, EFQM,
ÖQS, AFQM, Gütezeichen, Ausbildung, Weiterbildung, ISO, ISO 9000 ISO
14000, VDA, QS 9000, Umwelt, Gesundheit, Knowledgemanagement,
Wissensmanagemnt, Zertifizierung, Kompetenz, ...
Skepsis Consult is a well-established and successful business in the field of Web Development. Our knowledge, abilities, and personalised customer support together with commitment and loyalty helped us achieve the best way to fulfil the necessities and requirements of our clients. |
Skepsis Consult, develop on demand, web development, Outsourcing, Programming, develop, optimize, custom, customized, search engine optimization, Installation, Configuration, relational database, interfaces, conversion, Internet and Intranet solution, CRM, Customer Relationship Management, ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, ...
We are a Romanian web design company, based in Brasov. We have been established since 2001 to build websites, multimedia presentations, business card cd's and more. We have knowledge in working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP/MySQL, and Flash. We build web sites, web aplications, intranet aplications and online shops at affordable prices and with our professional touch |
brasov; products; web; design; web design; web site; PHP;; prezentari multimedia; multimedia presentations; business card cd; flash; C; C++; C#; services; software; produse software; solutions; b2b; e-commerce; comert electronic; development;
Imagination is more important than knowledge |
thelephants, web, drupal, forum, blog, revista, uniforma, school, muzica, artisti, debutanti, articole, editoriale, one artist per week, one movie per week, ...
Vector Media is a new advertising agency in the Romanian Advertising Market. Its history is a very short one but already important
Objective: to consolidate the company with the best people within the most efficient and flexible structure
Added value:
-The service and the knowledge of some of the most experienced people in the market
-The special relationship we have with our partners - based on trust and professionalism |