Cuvinte cautate: Leader comunicazioni | pagina 8


::. Varujan V. Pambuccian - Adresa web
Liderul Grupului Parlamentar al Minoritatilor Nationale, presedintele Comisiei pentru Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatiilor. Leader of the Parliamentary Group of the National Minorities, President of the Committee for Information Technologies and Communications.

Leaders of the credit cards processing market in Romania - Adresa web
cards, credit cards, debit cards, EMV, chip cards, cards processor, cards personalization, cards transaction processing, bank cards, visa, mastercard, ATM, POS, core banking

P-CAD, Altium Designer, Electronics Design Automation - Adresa web
Altium Limited (ASX: ALU). Altium's design tools cover a wide range of design processes including FPGA design capture, VHDL / schematic capture, PCB layout, analysis and verification, CAM and embedded systems development. Altium Designer is the world's first and only unified electronic product development system that allows engineers to take a design from concept to completion within a single application. Altium Limited (ASX: ALU), leader des logiciels de CAO électronique et de développement p ...

Foundation for Pluralism - Adresa web

Pluri Consultants - Adresa web Pluri Consultants - Reussir vos changements

PolyWeb Romania: internet and software solutions - Adresa web
PolyWeb is a leader in software and Web site design. Our services include web site development, design, broadcast. We are PolyWeb.

EATON, Powerware - Adresa web
Eaton is a power quality industry-leader offering Powerware uninterruptible power systems and DC power systems for reliable backup power in addition to power management and network monitoring software with remote monitoring options to provide the best UPS power protection solution

RARTEL, Home - Adresa web
Rartel lider in domeniul serviciilor si solutiilor prin satelit. Rartel leader in satellite solution and services

Rexel, distribution of electrical parts and supplies, lighting, cabling systems - Adresa web
Group Rexel, leader in the distribution of electrical parts and supplies : lighting, cabling systems, datacom, security, cable, industrial products

Raritan Romania, Worldwide KVM Technology Leader (KVM Romania Switches) - Adresa web
La aceasta destinatie va propunem o noua tehnologie prezenta acum si in Romania. Raritan este un lider in tehnologia KVM. SOlutiile propuse sunt bazate pe solutii KVM Standard, KVM OverCat 5, KVM Over IP, si solutii centralizate de management a companiei

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