Cuvinte cautate: Leader comunicazioni | pagina 12


Mountain Leader Romania-Book your tailor made mountain holiday in Romania or Morocco - Adresa web
Tailor made mountain holidays in Romania and Morocco. Trekking, hiking, backpacking, snowshoeing and sightseeing tours.

Saloti, Toalete ecologice, TOALETE ECOLOGICE, WC-uri ECOLOGICE, WC ECOLOGIC - Adresa web
Produsele comercializate de firma noastra toaletele ARMAL leader in sectorul toaletelor ecologice mobile care ne permite sa va propunem un serviciu de inchirieri care va fi intretinut in mod constant prin respectarea celor mai severe norme legale

Daniel Secareanu, Strategic Marketing & Business Development - Adresa web
Tell them and they will forget. Show them and they will remember. Involve them and they will understand. (ancient Chinese proverb)

Soft skills: leadership, dinamica sociala, negociere - Adresa web

STOCKCARGO-Shipping, Chartering, Freight Broker, Transport Carriers, Logistic, Customs brokers - Adresa web
Leaders of Freight Brokerage, Shipping, Chartering & Logistics.

Adaptabilitatea Angajaţilor Succesul Angajatorilor-ASA - Adresa web
Proiect cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. Investeşte în oameni! Axa prioritară 3 - Creşterea adaptabilităţii lucrătorilor şi a întreprinderilor. Domeniul Major de Intervenţie 3.2. - Formare şi sprijin pentru întreprinderi şi angajaţi pentru promovarea adaptabilităţii. Titlu proiect: Adaptabilitatea Angajaţilor Succesul Angajatorilor-ASA, Cod ID52837

Tiffin University Business Club, A community of business professionals - Adresa web
Welcome to a community of business professionals, a community of excellence! Our network is strong, encompassing leaders in a multiplicity of industries around the country.

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