Cuvinte cautate: Marketing communication


PR, HR, Public Relations and Human Resources by APT Resources & Services - Adresa web
Romanian based APT Resources 2 divisions: PR Communications & HR services. Event marketing, media relations, financial PR, graphic design are practiced. Also payroll processing, employee leasing, HR regulations counsel, staff team building programs.

BDR Associates, Our identity - Adresa web
BDR Associates-Communication Group is one of the most successful PR agencies in Romania. Its team of consultants with large international expertise offers a complete range of PR services for major multinational and local clients.

Teodor Droscaru, visual communications operation - Adresa web
A professional design and web design portfolio of a visual communications operation

Infoservice web design and software developement - Adresa web
Our company activity is web design and software developement. If you have any project in this fields please let us to know ASAP

INTARZIA magazine, the leader of the wood-specialized press in Romania - Adresa web
INTARZIA magazin is published by Imageline Romania, printed in 7.000 copies each mounth and is the best way of communication in the romanians woodworking branch. Besides this exist the INFO-WOOD database with more than 2.000 cmpanies, sorted by company profile. AzIntarzia folyoiratot a romaniai Imageline ceg adja ki, havonta 7000 peldanyban es a romaniai faipari szakag legjelentosebb nyomtatott kommunikacios eszkoze. Emelett letezik egy INFO-WOOD adatbazis, mely tobb mint 2000 ceg adatait tartal ...

MEDIA CONSULTA: Home - Adresa web
Let them know — Leading independent PR and advertising agency in Europe and a market leader in corporate communication, youth marketing and political communication.

Multimedia Political Communication, cea mai puternica firma de marketing politic din Romania. - Adresa web
Cea mai puternica firma de marketing politic din Romania. Un spatiu profesionist de analiza si consultanta. Pentru cei care vor sa inteleaga ce se intampla pe scena politica romaneasca, Multimedia Political Communication ofera informatii, analize, prognoze si strategii realizate de specialisti recunoscuti.

NEW VISION Computers & Communication --> custom IT tuning, Home - Adresa web
NEW VISION Computers & Communication --> custom IT tuning

Pluri Consultants - Adresa web Pluri Consultants - Reussir vos changements

Quadrant Interactive - Adresa web
Quadrant Interactive - Digital IQ. Our business. Full service interactive agency, providing profitable solutions to our clients: from strategic consulting and effective websites to online advertising campaigns and customized software applications

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